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Que Paso?
Volume 36 News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association November, 2003
Contact us at:
Clubhouse | 224-9880 |
Fax | 629-2313 |
[email protected] |
Wednesday, December 3 | 7:00 p.m. | Board of Directors Meeting |
Wednesday, January 7 | 7:00 p.m. | Board of Directors Meeting |
LPA Board Election and General Meeting
The Board of Directors for 2004 was elected on October 2. Please join us in welcoming back Del Coates in the position of President. Del and the other Board members look forward to working with members of the Association during the coming year, and invite your attendance and participation at the monthly Board meetings. A complete list of the new Board and Committee members is on the last page of the Que Paso.
Board Meeting Report-October 2, 2003
Coach Don Johnson Honored
The US Tennis Association held a ceremony at the Los Paseos tennis courts to honor Don Johnson, who has taught tennis in the community for over 27 years. Dignitaries from the City of San Jose and the world of tennis were present to see Coach Johnson receive a plaque from Los Paseos Association Board President Del Coates. Del presented the plaque with the observation that Don Johnson "teaches more than tennis; he teaches character."
We are all honored to have a man with his level of dedication in our midst, and are pleased to see him receive recognition for his contribution.
Attention Contractors
Is there a contractor in the neighborhood who is interested in bidding on replacing the 2 sets of wood doors at the Clubhouse? They are in poor condition, and we would like to give the opportunity to do the work to a member.
Get the Word Out!
Are you a licensed General Contractor? A landscaper? A painter? An Avon, Creative Memories or Tupperware representative? A seamstress? We would like to be able offer a list of services provided by members of the community to our Association Members. Please call or e-mail Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to get your name on our list.
Tree Maintenance
Fall and winter are the best times to take care of tree maintenance, as trees become dormant. Tree removal, crown reduction (topping) and trimming are big jobs, and require someone knowledgeable to do them properly and safely. Proper pruning will increase the health and appearance of your trees. Fruit trees, especially, need proper pruning to ensure fruit production.
The Association has used Hifer Tree Service in the past on the Clubhouse grounds. You may reach them at (408)820-0678.
Community Safety
Lately there has been a rash of mail theft in our area. This crime often increases around holiday time as packages are left on porches and more mail, both outgoing and incoming is left in postboxes. Stolen mail can lead to identity theft, a serious problem in our country today.
If possible, lock your mailbox. Also, neighbors should watch out for one another. If you observe anyone who seems to have an unhealthy interest in either your own or someone else's mailbox, call the police immediately.
There were a few juveniles taking mail from porches last spring-parents be sure your child knows that tampering with the mail is a federal offense.
The CC&Rs- Landscaping
When we all bought our homes, we received copies of the CC&Rs to sign off on, along with about 30 other forms. Most of us took that stack of paper, put it in a folder, and filed it away to read "later."
"Later" never seemed to come, and most of us couldn't lay our hands on a copy of the CC&Rs now if we had to. In the next few issues of the Que Paso, we will be reviewing portions of the document, and try to help homeowners understand it better.
The first section we're covering deals with landscaping.
Article VI Section C reads as follows:
"The vegetation and landscaping on any Lot shall be planted or maintained by the owner or resident in such a manner as to reduce the risk of fire, prevent or retard shifting or erosion of soils, encourage the growth of indigenous groundcover and to cause the proper diversion of water into streets and natural drainage channels. No improvement, including without limitation, fences, retaining walls, landscape or privacy structures shall be constructed, erected, or placed on any Lot without the prior approval of the Architectural Committee."
What does this mean to each of us? It means that yards containing high weeds or debris are in violation, as are those yards with no vegetation or groundcover to keep soil in place.
Further, it is not permitted to build a fence, porch, wall, or additional driveway without approval. Project forms are available from Sharon LaRosa. Call her at the Clubhouse to obtain one before you begin your work.
In addition to our own CC&Rs, on August 12, 2002, the City of San Jose adopted a Community Preservation Ordinance. You may call them at (408) 277-4528 and request a copy of the brochure "Landscaping Requirements for Residential Properties in San Jose."
What happens to those who fail to comply with the CC&Rs and the city ordinance? The LPA sends a courtesy notice to violators, giving a 15-day period to make any needed repair or maintenance. If no action is taken, the work may be ordered done by the city, and the homeowner billed for it.
This is a good time to take a few minutes to walk around your property and see if any repairs are needed. The high winds that often accompany winter storms can damage or destroy fences in a state of disrepair. Better to fix them in the daylight on a dry day that on a dark, rainy night. Autumn is also an excellent time in our climate to plant lawns and many groundcovers and shrubs.
Alley Homeowners Meeting
The Board of directors held a meeting on October 30 with those homeowners whose properties abut the alley between Bernal Road and Avenida Rotella.
The homeowners' concerns are: garbage cans are not taken in, refuse is strewn in the alley, mattresses and furniture are discarded, cars are abandoned, street lights are out, and residents are unable to drive down the alley due to blockages.
Currently, the alley is owned by those residents whose homes back up to it, and they are responsible for its upkeep and maintenance. In order to have the city take control of it, the entire community facilities district (approximately 1,500 homes) would have to vote that they be assessed additional funds to cover alley expenses. It was decided that this would be unlikely to pass, if put to a vote.
Possible solutions were discussed
The meeting ended with the neighbors recognizing that they need to work together on the alley's upkeep, and get to know and help one another. More meetings are planned in the future, with the Clubhouse available for them to use.
Help Wanted
Cynthia Durio, LPA homeowner and owner of the Postal Annex in the Albertson's center, is looking for a part time employee. She needs someone who can work daytime hours. If you're interested, stop by the shop to inquire about the position. Cynthia is a great asset to the Association. She handles all of our copy needs for the Que Paso and flyers.
Tennis Lessons
Coach Don Johnson's tennis lessons for children and teens continue year-round.
After School Junior Tennis | Monday and Wednesday | 4-6 p.m. |
Los Paseos Lobsters Junior Tennis | Saturday | 9 a.m.-1 p.m. |
High School Tennis Team Training | By Arrangement |
Call Coach Johnson at (408) 971-0882 for more information.
Clubhouse Rentals
It's time to schedule holiday parties for your family and friends or for your company. Consider using the Los Paseos Clubhouse for your Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah parties. It's perfect for birthday and anniversary parties, family reunions, weddings, and showers, too. The location is convenient with plenty of parking. In addition, it's inexpensive, and well-equipped for your event. Use of the kitchen is included, and there are folding chairs and tables, as well as barbecue facilities. Call Sharon LaRosa at the office for available dates and cost.
Association Dues for 2004
Invoices for Los Paseos Association Dues for 2004 will be mailed after the first of the year. The amount of the dues for homeowners is $341.21. The cost for associate members is $463.05.
Los Paseos Association Board of Directors 2003
President | Del Coates |
Vice President | Tim Nemeth |
Treasurer | Jim Rodenborn |
Secretary | Judy Moran |
Member-at-Large | Todd Hall |
Associate Member Rep | Jona Hamilton |
Clubhouse Manager | Sharon LaRosa |
Architectural Committee
Diane McGeachy | Jim Rodenborn |
Bob Lombardi | Todd Hall |
Rosemary Alvarez | Mario Zamora |
John Harrop |
Welcoming Committee
Melissa James | Eric Featherston |
Jack Tang |
Janice Faulstich |
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