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Los Paseos Association

7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
(408) 224-9880


Que Paso?

Volume 36     News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association     November, 2002

Contact us at:
Clubhouse    224-9880
E-Mail[email protected]


Wednesday, November 67 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, December 47 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting

Los Paseos Communications

Do we have your e-mail address? Please send it to the Association e-mail box so we can more quickly and efficiently get critical information out to the community. There have been times when we would liked to have been able to contact you to send updates about meetings regarding zoning, schools, City Council meetings, etc. This will enable us to do so in the future. Please contact us at [email protected] to send your address.

Labor Day Event a Success!

The last big party of the swim season, held on Labor Day, was well attended and a big success. An estimated 300 people came to the pool and enjoyed a lunch of tri-tip sandwiches, hot dogs, Polish dogs, potato salad, chili, and sodas. Thanks to those who worked so hard to make this a memorable day. Jona Hamilton, Sharon La Rosa, Raul Luna, and Tim Nemeth spent a great deal of time and energy to plan, shop for, and pull off this terrific event. Thanks also to Nob Hill, who gave us a break on the soda price. The food, games, and fun combined to make it a perfect farewell to summer.

Grafitti Abatement

If you notice graffiti on your property or in any of the common areas, call the city's graffiti abatement number. They responded to a recent call in less than 24 hours. The 24 hour hotline is (408) 227-2758.

Los Paseos Association Board of Directors

Please welcome the incoming members of the Board of Directors, and give them your support throughout the coming year. In addition, we extend our gratitude to the outgoing Board. We appreciate the time and energy they devoted to their jobs, and thank them for working on our behalf over the past year.

2002-2003 Past Board 2001
President Del Coates Bob Williams
Vice President Tim Nemeth John Harrop
Treasurer Eric Featherston Brenda Klinger
Secretary Raul Luna Marion Burry
Member-at-Large Jack Tang Eric Featherston
Associate Member Rep Jona Hamilton Jona Hamilton
Clubhouse Manager Sharon LaRosa Sharon LaRosa
Newsletter Janice Faulstich Janice Faulstich

Financial Planning Seminar

On Tuesday, January 7th, a free financial planning seminar will be held at the Clubhouse. It will be presented by Mike Withrow, a Financial Advisor with Primeamerica. Homeowners and Associate Members are welcome to attend. It is for educational purposes, not a sales event, and the topics that will be covered include retirement planning, debt management, education funding, asset management, a history of the stock market, and getting back into the market. It will begin at 7:00 p.m., and will last approximately an hour.

New Years Eve Party

The Social Committee would like to know if there is any interest in an adult New Years Eve party at the Clubhouse. If you're interested, please contact Sharon LaRosa by November 25th. If you'd like to volunteer to work with the Social Committee on the event let her know right away.

Holiday Clubhouse Rentals

There are still a number of available dates for Clubhouse rentals in the next few months. Think about holding your holiday parties there! It's perfect for birthday and anniversary parties, family reunions, weddings, and showers, too. The location is convenient, it's inexpensive, and well-equipped for your event. Use of the kitchen is included, and there are folding chairs and tables, as well as barbecue facilities for your party. Call for available dates and cost.

Tennis Lessons

One of the best things about our Los Paseos community is the tennis lessons that are offered for children of all ages by Don Johnson. Coach Johnson has been teaching at the Los Paseos Park tennis courts for 26 years. There was a very complimentary article about him in the SJ Mercury News a few years ago. He was a practice partner of Arthur Ashe, among his other accomplishments, and is a tremendous booster of boys and girls tennis in the area. He and his wife spend a great deal of time beautifying and maintaining the gardens by the courts, as well. His schedule at Los Paseos is:

After School Junior TennisMonday and Wednesday4-6 p.m.
Los Paseos Lobsters Junior TennisSaturday9 a.m.-1 p.m.
High School Tennis Team TrainingBy Arrangement

Call Coach Johnson at (408) 971-0882 for more information.

Property Maintenance

Recycle containers were delivered in early August. Remember that your garbage and recycle carts and yard debris are to be stored out of sight, in side or back yards, until the day before your pick-up day. Receptacles are to be removed from the street and front of your house by the next day. No receptacles should be stored in front yards or driveways.

San Jose municipal law prohibits parking any vehicle on the street for longer than 72 hours. If you have a car, truck, or RV that is not moved within this time period, it may be ticketed and towed.

According to the Los Paseos Association CC&Rs, boats, RVs, or trailers are not to be parked in front yards or driveways. If you are not in compliance with the requirement, please make arrangements to move the item to a side yard where it is screened from view, or to a storage facility.

If you need to dispose of any large items, call Recycle-Plus. They will pick up any three large items for $19.00. Contact them at 277-2700.

A Reminder-If You Plan to Remodel or Landscape�

If you're planning to make any major changes to your home or property, you will need to complete a project form for the Architectural Committee of the Los Paseos Homeowners Association. Call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to get a form. The City of San Jose also requires that you provide this documentation in accordance with the CC&Rs to obtain a building permit.

Que Paso Articles

We're seeking articles for the Que Paso. Do you have information to share about a home-improvement project? Did your street have block party? Please send anything you have to share to the association via e-mail, or call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse.

Past Issues of Que Paso

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