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Los Paseos Association

7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
(408) 224-9880


Que Paso?

Volume 36     News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association     March 2002

Contact us at:
Clubhouse    224-9880
E-Mail[email protected]


Wednesday, March 67 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, March 97-9 p.m.Wine Tasting Event at Clubhouse

Wine Tasting

There is still space available at the wine tasting event to be held at the Clubhouse on March 9th. In partnership with the Santa Clara Valley Winegrowers Association, the Los Paseos Association is pleased to offer tastings from such fine wineries as Kirigin Cellars, J. Lohr, Mirassou, and other local vintners.

If you don't have the registration form from last month's Que Paso, call the Clubhouse to place your reservation.

Thanks to Our Local Heroes

You may not be aware that there was a serious house fire on Via Barranca in February. Fortunately, no one was at home, so there were no injuries. An alert neighbor noticed it right away and began hosing down the roof while the Fire Department was enroute. Our thanks to the men from Battalion 13 and Engines 12, 13, and 27, Truck 18, and USAR 13 who responded and quickly brought the fire under control.

We're glad you're our new neighbors!

Homeowner Issues

Our houses are all 30+ years old now, and most of us have already begun to do some major repairs and overhauls. As you look around, you notice that many of your neighbors have new roofs, and some of us have had to replace our driveways. The repairs inside may not be as obvious, but are no less important or costly. Electrical wiring, plumbing, tree maintenance, fences, hot water heaters, and furnaces are only some of the items that need attention.

Homeowner Susan Wright says that "We are so much smarter as a group and could help each other save enormous amounts of money."

There could be a tremendous value in working together on repairs and refurbishing. A contractor who can schedule multiple jobs in an area will often be able to offer discounted pricing, and products bought in quantity can be less expensive as well. Please send in your questions, ideas, and solutions. We would like to make this a regular part of the Que Paso because it is an issue that affects every homeowner.

President's Message

Many of you have returned the questionnaires from last month's newsletter, but there are still too many of you who have not yet given us your input. Not only do we, as your elected Board of Directors, value your opinions, we want to represent you and provide the services that will most closely meet your needs.

As with every other organization in these difficult times, the Los Paseos Association is striving to maximize our financial stability. The Board is currently exploring ways that we can increase our income. This is an important topic on the agenda at the next board meeting, which I encourage you to attend. We will be discussing steps we can take to cut costs, yet still make needed repairs to our facilities. At this point, it appears that we can make crucial repairs from the operating reserve, while we evaluate alternatives for other pending expenditures and try to safeguard our replacement reserve.

I am looking forward to meeting and talking with many of you at the wine tasting at our Clubhouse on March 9th.


Bob Williams
President 2002

Next Board Meeting March 6-Upcoming Agenda Items.
The Board will conduct normal business with special topics as follows:

Dues Update

You should have received the invoice for your annual Los Paseos Association dues. The dues for Homeowners are $285.00, and for Associate members, $420.00. All payment are due by March 18th.

If any Associate members are not planning to renew, please call the clubhouse right away and leave a message, or mail back the invoice immediately with your intent to cancel noted. We have a waiting list of people who wish to join, and this will enable us to notify them of vacancies more quickly. We appreciate your cooperation in informing us as soon as possible.

Refuse Pick-Up

If you've begun your spring-cleaning and need to dispose of any large items, call Recycle-Plus, which has a contract with the City of San Jose. They will pick up any three large items for $19.00. Contact them at 277-2700.

A Reminder-If You Plan to Remodel or Landscape�

If you're planning to make any major changes to your home or property, you will need to complete a project form for the Architectural Committee of the Los Paseos Homeowners Association. Call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to get a form. The City of San Jose also requires that you provide this documentation in accordance with the CC&Rs to obtain a building permit.

Lifeguard/Gate Guard Positions

Applications for 2002 season employment are due March 6th. Call the Clubhouse to get an application. Lifeguards must have First Aid, Life Saving, and CPR certification to be considered. The minimum age for Lifeguards is 16 and the minimum age for Gate Guards is 14.

Clubhouse Rentals

The season for graduation parties, weddings and showers, Mothers Day brunches and Fathers Day barbecues is fast approaching! Do you know that our Los Paseos Clubhouse is available for private party rentals? It's convenient, inexpensive, and well-equipped for your event. Use of the kitchen is included, and there are folding chairs and tables, as well as barbecue facilities for your party. Call for available dates and cost.


Board of Directors:Committee Chairs:
PresidentBob WilliamsArchitectural ApprovalsDiane McGeachy
Vice PresidentJohn HarropDaytime ActivitiesOpen
SecretaryRobin StantonEmeritus AdvisoryOpen
TreasurerBrenda KlingerNewsletter EditorJanice Faulstich
Member-at-LargeMarrion BurryPool and Swim TeamPhil Stanton
Associate RepresentativeTerrie LavoieSocial and WelcomingJan Strockis
Office ManagerSharon LaRosaWork Party CoordinatorSal LaRosa

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