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Los Paseos Association

7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
(408) 224-9880


Que Paso?

Volume 36     News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association     September, 2002

Contact us at:
Clubhouse    224-9880
E-Mail[email protected]


Monday, September 2Labor Day Event at Pool
Wednesday, September 47 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, October 27 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting

Pool Schedule

June 15-September 212:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
           Family Swim6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
           Adult Lap Swim8:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
September Weekends12:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Los Paseos Communications

Do we have your e-mail address? Please send it to the Association e-mail box so we can more quickly and efficiently get critical information out to the community. There have been times when we'd have liked to have been able to contact you to send updates about meetings regarding zoning, schools, City Council meetings, etc. This will enable us to do so in the future. Please contact us at [email protected] to send your address.

Labor Day

A barbecue at the pool is planned for Labor Day. There'll be games for all ages, including the famous penny toss. Watch for a flyer with more details as the date approaches.

Family Pizza Night at LPA Pool

The Family Pizza Night held on Saturday, August 3rd was a big success, with over 120 people attending. There were all sorts of games, including some using rubber duckies, T-shirts, and pennies, among other things! About 20 prizes of gift certificates for sodas and chips at the pool were awarded to the winners, and everyone had lots of fun. Although the evening was a bit cool and breezy, the pool was nice and warm, and some swimmers didn't give up until after 9 p.m.

Many thanks to those who made it all possible: helpers Chris and Jeff Hamilton, Jim Leaman, Ian McKeown, Jordan Racz, and Kevin Rule and Lifeguards Shawn Hussey, Sarah LaRosa, and Chris McGeachy. A special thanks to Jona Hamilton and Sharon LaRosa for all of their planning and organizing.

Over 30 pizzas were consumed that night! They came from Stars Pizza on Blossom Hill Road. Owner Mike Yadegari gave us preferred treatment, and we hope you'll support them. Call 229-9900 for a great pizza at a good price!

Property Maintenance

New recycle containers were delivered in early August. Remember that your garbage and recycle carts and yard debris are to be stored out of sight, in side or back yards, until the day before your pick-up day. Receptacles are to be removed from the street and front of your house by the next day. No receptacles should be stored in front yards or driveways.

San Jose municipal law prohibits parking any vehicle on the street for longer than 72 hours. If you have a car, truck, or RV that is not moved within this time period, it may be ticketed and towed.

According to the Los Paseos Association CC&Rs, boats, RVs, or trailers are not to be parked in front yards or driveways. If you are not in compliance with the requirement, please make arrangements to move the item to a side yard where it is screened from view, or to a storage facility.

If you need to dispose of any large items, call Recycle-Plus. They will pick up any three large items for $19.00. Contact them at 277-2700.

Santa Teresa Community Fest

The Santa Teresa Community Fest will be held on Saturday, September 21st at George Page Park. This is the new park on Santa Teresa Boulevard at Miyuki Avenue. If your business or non-profit organization wants a space at the festival, or if you want to volunteer to help with the kids' games, check the web site for this event at

Via Romera Block Party

The 7100 block of Via Romera held a barbecue on Saturday, August 3rd. Over 50 people attended, and shared a wonderful meal of grilled sausages, hot dogs, hamburgers, and Vicky Barrera's famous carne asada. Each family brought a dish to share, and there were lots of leftovers for lunch on Sunday.

They set up tables at the end of the cul-de-sac, decorated the tables with beautiful sunflower arrangements, gave bottles of bubbles to all the kids, and spent the evening meeting new neighbors and becoming reacquainted with long-time friends. Thanks to hostesses Cynthia Durio, Janice Faulstich, and Linda Vesci for planning and for providing the meat and all of the table settings.

Why don't you plan a block get-together on your street? Knowing our neighbors makes for a safer, happier environment for all of us.

A Reminder-If You Plan to Remodel or Landscape�

If you're planning to make any major changes to your home or property, you will need to complete a project form for the Architectural Committee of the Los Paseos Homeowners Association. Call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to get a form. The City of San Jose also requires that you provide this documentation in accordance with the CC&Rs to obtain a building permit.

Book Club Members Wanted

Are you a reader, and interested in joining a book club? If so, please join us at the Clubhouse on Wednesday, September 25th at 7 p.m. for a kick-off meeting. We plan to read a book each month, then meet to discuss it. Several of us started out last year, but we need a few more members to make our group successful. If you're interested in joining, call Cathy Flaherty at 226-3434 so we'll know how many people to expect.

Clubhouse Rentals

Do you know that our Los Paseos Clubhouse is available for private party rentals? Think about using it for birthday and anniversary parties, family reunions, weddings, and showers. It's not too early to think about scheduling holiday parties, either! It's convenient, inexpensive, and well-equipped for your event. Use of the kitchen is included, and there are folding chairs and tables, as well as barbecue facilities for your party. Call for available dates and cost.

Girl Scout Registration

Calling all girls! On September 26th, Girl Scout registration will be held at the Clubhouse.

Clubhouse Maintenance

Thanks to Jona Hamilton, the overgrown ivy on the tennis courts has been pruned back. If you're interested in volunteering to join a work party to help clean up the pool and Clubhouse area, please contact Jona by leaving a message at the Clubhouse.


Board of Directors:Committee Chairs:
PresidentBob WilliamsArchitectural ApprovalsDiane McGeachy
Vice PresidentJohn HarropDaytime ActivitiesOpen
SecretaryMarrion BurryEmeritus AdvisoryMike Tatarakis
TreasurerBrenda KlingerNewsletter EditorJanice Faulstich
Member-at-LargeEric FeatherstonPool and Swim TeamOpen
Associate RepresentativeJona Denz HamiltonSocial and WelcomingOpen
Office ManagerSharon LaRosaWork Party CoordinatorOpen

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