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Los Paseos Association

7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
(408) 224-9880


Que Paso?

Volume 36     News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association     August, 2002

Contact us at:
Clubhouse    224-9880
E-Mail[email protected]


Saturday, August 36:00 p.m. Family Pizza Night at Pool
6:00 p.m. Family Pizza Night at Pool7 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, September 2Labor Day Event at Pool
Wednesday, September 47 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting

Pool Schedule

June 15-September 212:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
           Family Swim6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
           Adult Lap Swim8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
September Weekends12:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

President's Message

I hope all of you are taking some extra time to enjoy this beautiful summer weather. Please try to come over to the Clubhouse on August 3rd for the Family Pizza Night and again for the Labor Day barbecue and games at the pool if you're in town. This is always a day of fun for all ages.

Take a moment to read the letter from the Lifeguards and Gate Guards in this issue of the Que Paso. They need our full cooperation in order to run a safe and enjoyable facility.

Finally, please join me in welcoming two new Board Members, Joan Denz Hamilton and Eric Featherston.

Bob Williams, President

Letter From the Lifeguards

Dear Members,

Aside from a couple of minor incidents that resulted in cuts or bruises, this has been a very safe year so far. We do, however, have a few concerns.

You may have noticed that the pool deck isn't always as clean as it should be. While we do pick up trash and hose down the deck every day, we can't do it all on our own. Please pick up any trash that you generate, and return the pool furniture to where you found it after you've finished using it. We have orange buckets located adjacent to the office for recycling cans and bottles.

Another area of concern is the restrooms. Lately, they've been in very poor condition. While we pick up, mop, and disinfect daily, too many times we're finding that people are missing the toilets, and neglecting to clean up after themselves. In an effort to eliminate this careless and unsanitary behavior, we're enforcing a new rule: children under the age of 8 must be accompanied to the restroom by an adult.

Our primary responsibility is ensuring the safety of all members, and the additional time and distraction required of us to monitor these basic housekeeping tasks compromises our ability to carry out the real function of our jobs.

We would appreciate your help in keeping the pool as clean and as much fun as it can be for all members.

The LPA Lifeguards and Gate Guards

Family Pizza Night at LPA Pool

Please join us at the pool on Saturday, August 3rd. From 6-10 p.m., we'll be serving pizza and sodas. In addition there will be pool games and contests with prizes and plenty of fun for the whole family. Don't miss this chance to swim in the dark with the pool lights on. And, best of all-it's all free!

Labor Day

It's a little early yet, but our preliminary plan is to have a barbecue at the pool on Labor Day. Traditionally, we've offered games for all ages, including the famous penny toss! Please watch for a flyer with all of the details as the date approaches.

Property Maintenance

San Jose municipal law prohibits parking any vehicle on the street for longer than 72 hours. If you have a car, truck, or RV that is not moved within this time period, it may be ticketed and towed.

According to the Los Paseos Association CC&Rs, boats, RVs, or trailers are not to be parked in front yards or driveways. If you are not in compliance with the requirement, please make arrangements to move the item to a side yard where it is screened from view, or to a storage facility.

If you need to dispose of any large items, call Recycle-Plus. They will pick up any three large items for $19.00. Contact them at 277-2700.

Remember that garbage carts, recyclables, and yard debris are to be placed by the curb no earlier than the day before your regularly scheduled pick-up.

A Reminder-If You Plan to Remodel or Landscape�

If you're planning to make any major changes to your home or property, you will need to complete a project form for the Architectural Committee of the Los Paseos Homeowners Association. Call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to get a form. The City of San Jose also requires that you provide this documentation in accordance with the CC&Rs to obtain a building permit.

Clubhouse Rentals

Do you know that our Los Paseos Clubhouse is available for private party rentals? Think about using it for birthday and anniversary parties, family reunions, weddings, and showers. It's not too early to think about scheduling holiday parties, either! It's convenient, inexpensive, and well-equipped for your event. Use of the kitchen is included, and there are folding chairs and tables, as well as barbecue facilities for your party. Call for available dates and cost.


Board of Directors:Committee Chairs:
PresidentBob WilliamsArchitectural ApprovalsDiane McGeachy
Vice PresidentJohn HarropDaytime ActivitiesOpen
SecretaryJoan Denz HamiltonEmeritus AdvisoryMike Tatarakis
TreasurerBrenda KlingerNewsletter EditorJanice Faulstich
Member-at-LargeMarrion BurryPool and Swim TeamPhil Stanton
Associate RepresentativeEric FeatherstonSocial and WelcomingOpen
Office ManagerSharon LaRosaWork Party CoordinatorOpen

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