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Los Paseos Association

Los Paseos Association

7047 Via Ramada
San Jose, CA 95139
(408) 224-9880


Que Paso?

Volume 36     News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association     February 2002

Contact us at:
Clubhouse    224-9880
E-Mail[email protected]


Wednesday, February 67 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, March 67 p.m.Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, March 97-9 p.m.Wine Tasting Event at Clubhouse

More Thanks to the 2001 Board!

We recognized the past year's Board Members in the last edition of the Que Paso, but inadvertently omitted one person. Please join us in thanking Kris Cook for performing the duties of secretary for 2+ years. We offer her our sincere apology for the oversight, and our thanks to Kris for so generously giving her time and energy to the community.

Wine Tasting

The newly relaunched Social Committee, under the leadership of Jan Strockis, is planning a wine tasting event at the Clubhouse on March 9th. This has been an extremely popular event in past years, and we are very pleased to be able to offer it again this year. In partnership with the Santa Clara Valley Winegrowers Association, you may enjoy tastings from such fine wineries as Kirigin Cellars, J. Lohr, Mirassou, and several other local vintners.

We are seeking donations for raffle items, so if you would like to make a contribution of merchandise or cash, please call us at the Clubhouse.

Please see the attached flyer for more details and for the reservation form. Space is limited for this very special event, so be sure to reserve right away.

President's Message-Important Survey!!!

Dear Members and Associates,

Attached to this edition of the Que Paso, there is a questionnaire that I encourage you to read and return. We want to learn how you're using the Association facilities currently, and more importantly, how they could better meet your needs and those of the other members of your household. Please take a few minutes to complete the attached survey. You may either mail it to the clubhouse or drop it in the mail slot. We value your opinions and hope that you will feel free to use the back of the sheet for any additional thoughts you want to convey to the Board.

As your new President, it gives me special pleasure to acknowledge the efforts and enthusiasm that have been demonstrated by the new Board, and by the new (and in some cases previous) Committee Chairs. My wife, Lori, and I have personally expressed our thanks by holding a small party for Board Members and Committee chairs.

I also want to describe to the membership the specific efforts being put forth by our many volunteers.

In closing, I want to thank current Board Members, and past Presidents and Board members for advice that has helped the new 2002 Board get off to a running start.

Also, let me urge you once again to complete the questionnaire that is part of this newsletter, so we can better understand how to improve the services provided by the Association. MOST IMPORTANT, PLEASE VOLUNTEER. My personal commitment to you is that I will put forth my best efforts to make these activities both fun and productive.


Bob Williams
President 2002

Highlights January 9 Board Meeting

The board met from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the clubhouse with 5 of 6 members present. Actions taken included:

The manager reported on a long list of pending maintenance and repair items totaling over approximately $10,000. The Board, working with the swimming pool repair committee and with the work party committee, is prioritizing the work to determine what can be done by work parties, what must be done by contractors, and what will be deferred maintenance.

Two homeowners addressed the board.

Next Meeting February 6, upcoming agenda items.
The Board will conduct normal business with special topics as follows:


Invoices for the annual Los Paseos Association dues will be sent out by January 31st. The dues for Homeowners will be $285.00, and for Associate members, $420.00. Please remit your payment promptly. Payment is due by March 18th. If any Associate members are not planning to renew, please either call the clubhouse right away and leave a message, or mail back the invoice immediately with your intent to cancel noted. We have a waiting list of people who wish to join, and this will enable us to notify them of vacancies more quickly. We appreciate your cooperation in informing us as soon as possible.

Block Monitors

Block Monitors are still needed on a couple of streets. If you want to ensure that you receive news about important issues in our community in a timely manner, please contact us and volunteer to distribute communications on your street. These blocks still need someone to deliver communications:

Please call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to volunteer. (224-9880)

Donations Needed

If you would like to make a contribution to the community, but have little time available, there's another way for you to participate. We are requesting donations to purchase a pressure washer for the pool deck and for several garden rakes. After swim meets, holidays, and busy weekends, between the gardener's visits, we would like to be able to do quick clean-ups. Swim Team members and parents are willing to assist with the work, but we lack the needed tools. Donations of either a check or the tools, new or used, (in good condition) would be welcome.

Clean-up Day Coming!

We're planning a clean-up day soon to spruce up our clubhouse and the common areas in the community. A date has not yet been set, but we will be looking for volunteers to help with painting, cleaning, gardening, and similar work. More information will follow. Sharpen your pruning shears, get out your work gloves, and plan to join us to give our neighborhood a good spring cleaning.

Meanwhile, if you've already begun the clean up around your own house, and yard and need to dispose of any large items, call Recycle-Plus, which has a contract with the City of San Jose. They will pick up any three large items for $19.00. Contact them at 277-2700.

A Reminder-If You Plan to Remodel or Landscape�

If you're planning to make any major changes to your home or property, you will need to complete a project form for the Architectural Committee of the Los Paseos Homeowners Association. Call Sharon LaRosa at the Clubhouse to get a form. The City of San Jose also requires that you provide this documentation in accordance with the CC&Rs to obtain a building permit.

Help Wanted!

We are currently interviewing for Lifeguard and Gate Guard positions at the pool for the coming season. Call the Clubhouse to get an application. Lifeguards must have First Aid, Life Saving, and CPR certification to be considered. The minimum age for Lifeguards is 16 and the minimum age for Gate Guards is 14.

Clubhouse Rentals

Do you know that our Los Paseos Clubhouse is available for private party rentals? It's convenient, inexpensive, and well-equipped for your event. Use of the kitchen is included, and there are folding chairs and tables, as well as barbecue facilities for your party. Think about the Clubhouse for your next event, whether it's a wedding, birthday party, shower, graduation celebration, or family reunion. Call for available dates and cost.


Board of Directors:Committee Chairs:
PresidentBob WilliamsArchitectural ApprovalsDiane McGeachy
Vice PresidentJohn HarropDaytime ActivitiesOpen
SecretaryRobin StantonEmeritus AdvisoryOpen
TreasurerBrenda KlingerNewsletter EditorJanice Faulstich
Member-at-LargeMarrion BurryPool and Swim TeamPhil Stanton
Associate RepresentativeTerrie LavoieSocial and WelcomingJan Strockis
Office ManagerSharon LaRosaWork Party CoordinatorSal LaRosa

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