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Que Paso?
Volume 35 News and Views of Our Los Paseos Association December 2001
Contact us at:
Clubhouse | 224-9880 |
Fax | 629-2313 |
[email protected] |
2002 Board Selected
The Los Paseos Homeowners Association Board of Directors for the coming year was elected at the October Meeting. Please join us in welcoming the incoming board members:
Bob Williams | President |
John Harrop | Vice President |
Robin Stanton | Secretary |
Brenda Klinger | Treasurer |
Marrion Burry | Member-at-Large |
Terrie Lavoie | Associate Representative |
Sharon LaRosa | Office Manager |
We would like to express our appreciation to those who so generously gave their time and energy in serving on the board in 2001. Our thanks to George Aboud, Diane McGeachy, Gary Oltz, Terrie Lavoie and Marrion Burry.
Dues To Increase
The annual Los Paseos Association dues for 2002 will increase slightly. The dues for Homeowners will be $285.00, and for Associate members, they will be $420.00. Invoices will be sent to members and letters will be sent to associates after the first of the year.
Letter From The President
Dear Members,
As the newly elected President of the Los Paseos Association, it is my pleasure to highlight some of the recent activities and new initiatives of the Los Paseos Board.
Thanks to the 2001 Board!
The first order of business must be a warm and heartfelt thanks to the previous Board Members, who served well in an unpaid, time consuming and sometimes thankless task.
New Initiatives
We are proposing several actions that we hope will be of interest to new members, and will revitalize the participation of long-time Los Paseos members and associates.
To make these initiatives successful, we need volunteers to serve as co-chairmen or members of these and other committees. If you think that these activities deserve support and will make our neighborhood a better place, please contact me at 225-4064, or the Manager at the clubhouse at 224-9880 to volunteer.
R.F. Williams,
Labor Day Party
The Association's annual Labor Day Party, held at the pool, was a big success. Nearly 200 people enjoyed a day of fun and food. We served hot dogs, chips and sodas, and provided many activities for all ages. There were games and contests for adults and children, including T-shirt and inner-tube races, a largest splash contest, and the very popular annual penny toss! Thanks to all of those who worked so hard to make the event a success, and especially to the lifeguards, who did such a terrific job of organizing the games. We hope to see all of you at next year's party.
Block Monitors
Do you ever wonder how the Que Paso and other flyers end up at your front door? We have volunteers on each block who take the time to distribute them to their neighbors to keep us all informed of community news and information. We still need someone to help out on a couple of streets. If you live on Bernal Road or Via Colina (between Avenida Espana and Avenida Grande), please call and volunteer. This is a very easy way to make a contribution to your community. It costs you nothing, takes only a few minutes every couple of months, and gives a great deal to your Los Paseos neighbors. Please call Sharon LaRosa at the clubhouse to volunteer. (224-9880)
Clean-up Day Coming!
We're planning a clean-up day soon to spruce up our clubhouse and the entrance to the community. We will be looking for volunteers to help with painting, cleaning, gardening, and similar work. More information will follow. Sharpen your pruning shears, get out your work gloves, and plan to join us to give our neighborhood a good spring cleaning.
Social Committee
In the past, the Los Paseos Homeowners Association has provided all sorts of fun events and parties for its members. The activities they've provided for us include such things as summertime luaus, New Years Eve parties, wine tastings, Super Bowl Parties, and more. If you're interested in helping to plan events and in having fun close to home, call Sharon LaRosa (224-9880) to get the Social Committee back on track!
Are You Remodeling? Refurbishing? Landscaping?
If you're planning to make any major changes to your home or property, you will need to complete a project form for the Architectural Committee of the Los Paseos Homeowners Association. Contact the board to get a form. The City of San Jose also requires that you provide this documentation in accordance with the CC&Rs to obtain a building permit.
The Association periodically conducts "drive-by" audits of the neighborhood to ensure that homeowners are in compliance with the maintenance requirements of the CC&Rs. You may review the CC&Rs to determine maintenance standards and homeowner responsibilities.
Meanwhile, take a look around your yard and take care of those little things that you've been overlooking. Let's work together to keep our neighborhood looking its best.
Trash Pick-up
If you have large items to dispose of, you may call Recycle-Plus, which has a contract with the City of San Jose. They will pick up any three large items for $19.00. Contact them at 277-2700.
Let's Hear From You!
The Board welcomes input from all of our members. Please share any ideas, questions, or complaints with us. You may contact us by phone, e-mail, or by dropping a note in the mail slot at the clubhouse.
Happy holidays to all, and best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
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