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Tuesday, June 12th, 2001 @ 6:47 PM
Subj: City issues
From: [email protected] (Whicker, Rebekah)

I work for the City of San Jose's 24 hour Call Center and I've read this entire message board (going back to early 1999) to see what's bothering my neighbors (I live in the Rancho neighborhood).

Here are some phone numbers that I see you need!

  • For loose or dead animals, call County Animal Control at 727-6529. This is a 24 hour number. You will have to sit through a long recording, but be patient and someone will come on the line -- 24 hours. FYI the City is going to take over animal control duties in the future. A building is being built for this purpose (see

  • For insects (including roaches, which thank goodness I have not encountered, bees, etc.), rodents, or other pests, call County Vector Control at 299-2050.

  • For neighbor problems (which seem to encompass most of the problems I've seen mentioned here), call Code Enforcement at 277-4528. This is a City department. Relevant issues include: trash and clippings set out too far in advance, garbage and cars in neighbor's yard, overgrown weeds, blight (house needing paint, etc.), not-to-code business operated out of the home, barking dog, illegally built structures or converted garages.

  • For tree trimming or removal permits, contact the City Arborist at 277-2756. You will quite often get a voicemail at this number, but they are very good about calling back.

  • For help replacing trees in your neighborhood, we suggest Our City Forest at 998-7337.

  • For help with garbage and recycling issues, contact Recyle Plus at 277-2700.

  • To report an abandoned vehicle (left 48+ hours) parked on the street (not on private property) call 277-5305 on weekdays; 277-4000 (the call center) on the weekends.

As a highlight, the Call Center now takes all calls about STREETLIGHT OUTAGES and ABANDONED SHOPPING CARTS. The shopping cart ordinance is rather new and you can find more details (and sweep dates) at Please feel free to call us any time (24 hours a day) to report abandoned shopping carts you see. I have reported many near the bus stop outside the empty lot at Santa Teresa and Cottle, and various other locations, and notified my apartment complex manager about this service. I wanted to mention this ordinance because of a person mentioning the lack of shopping carts at the Rite Aid at that same intersection. I can tell you right now that their shopping carts are being taken away by customers, and the stores will soon be held responsible as stores will be fined for abandoned carts. A cart sweep was held in District 2 (Forrest Williams' district) on May 19 and was very successful.

The phone number for the 24 hour Call Center (to report streetlight problems and abandoned shopping carts, and get information about any other City service) is 277-4000.

Someone asked about neighborhood cleanup days (where neighbors can go and dump their garbage in a centrally located dumpster on certain days). These are coordinated by Code Enforcement and the Councilmembers' offices. For information on future neighborhood cleanup days, contact your councilperson. Forrest Williams' office is at 277-4282. Pat Dando's office is at 277-5251. Dave Cortese's office is at 277-5242. I think that will cover most of the people who read this site.

There are several great publications that most of you have received in the mail. One is the InfoLine brochure. InfoLine is a 24 hour recorded service with messages on many City topics. The other one is Access San Jose, a brochure with a few commonly needed City phone numbers. IF ANYONE NEEDS EITHER OF THESE TWO PUBLICATIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AND I'LL SEND ONE OR BOTH OF THEM TO YOU.

As always, I'm enjoying this website and all it offers. Keep up the good work!

Becky Whicker
[email protected]

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