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Thursday, May 31st, 2001 @ 2:36 PM
Subj: promoting
From: [email protected]

I first learned about this web site quite some time ago when there were signs posted at the intersection of Santa Teresa Boulevard and Cottle. Since then, I have seen no more public notices about I'll bet no more than one-third of the people living in South San Jose with Internet access have any clue about this web site. If more people knew about it and used it, I feel it would be much better. For instance: the crime section has very few posts, I'm sure there's a lot more going on around here crime wise and it would benefit those interested if they knew more about it. How about putting up flyers in store windows or something of this nature. Many more people have computers now than they did when this site first started; they need to know about! Perhaps this web site is already getting all of the traffic it can handle? Regardless, kudos to Scott and Donna for a terrific community web site.
Ron C.

Thank you for the very nice comments. We appreciate them very much!

We have never had signs up in the community, but we have delivered door-to-door a flyer introducing the web site to over 10,000 homes from Coyote Valley to Blossom Valley. We have also been mentioned in the newspaper a few times, have been in neighborhood newsletters and have appeared on community flyers widely distributed. We have never asked businesses to post our flyer, but one video store did have flyers available for customers. You are absolutely right that the web site can be even better as more people use the site. We consider "our" community web site, so any additional promotion the community can do would benefit everyone. [SAS]

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