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Wednesday, April 18th, 2001 @ 11:19 AM
Subj: Homeless cats in South San Jose
From: [email protected] (Diane T Cascia)

I have lived in South San Jose for 7 years now. I joined an animal rescue group 3 years ago and became noticing alot of homeless cats and kittens in our neighborhoods, behind restaurants and living by the Santa Teresa Hospital. I have been trapping and getting the cats spayed and neutered and tested and returning them to the place they have been living for the past 2 years. Alot of these cats were once pets of someone who never bothered to get the cats spayed and either moved away and left them behind or dumped them! If you own a cat or are planning to adopt kittens this kitten season, PLEASE have the common sense to get your pets fixed! Cats can have 2 to 3 litters of kittens a year and when the kittens are born outside, they become wild (feral) and only 50% of the kittens born in the wild survive.

Some of the feral cats I am trapping cannot go back to where they were living as it is either unsafe or the restaurant managers don't want them back. If anyone has a friend or knows someone who owns a ranch or a large backyard and would like a couple of cats to chase the mice away, let me know. I will gladly set the cats up in a temporary enclosure until they get used to the property. My rescue group (Nike animal Rescue) has the cats fixed, tested and all shots are done.

We can also use any food donations anyone would like to donate for these homeless kitties as I make the rounds at night to make sure they are all fed.

Thank you for reading this LONG email.
(408) 226-7806

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