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Tuesday, June 13th, 2000 @ 2:01 PM
Subj: miscellaneous re s sj chat room messages from you

thanks for info on scholarships. i mentor a child back east and hope to put one together for her. we are also foster/adopting very soon one or two children. however some of my friends have no time, but do have money to help kids, so i am forwarding your info to them.

re spraying roaches. i agree wholeheartedly. the chemicals are much worse than the roaches. if anything, the sj rat problem is the worst. most people don't know they have them under their redwood decks, but my dog sofi knows better and is always right. i have lyme disease and am most concerned about ticks, another issue in denial in this area. despite park warning signs, doctors insist there is no lyme disease here --hmm, could it be that it's too expensive to treat under hmo capitation?!* but still, i would hold out spraying unless desparate. we are also slowly tearing about our very little yard and planting natives to try to create some ecological balance.

re group homes, i have lived near a few back home in nj that were well run for the developmentally disabled. they did not affect property values--for the most part , there were so many external activities, you hardly knew anyone lived there. most people who move here from far away don't know what they are getting themselves into until after they buy their houses. however i do agree there has to be a security check system. most drug and alchohol people in 12 step are open about their priors and their recovery. so i don't understand why a security check of the owners would be a detriment. this assumes they have a social interest in what they are doing and not just private investors out for a quick buck!

i also think that once a home is approved, that it needs to be integrated into the community with socials etc. so that it is not an alien entity. in this area where everyone is so unfriendly and unneighborly compared to where i come from, that will be very difficult. in the same way those school age kids need sponsors, we need to sponsor people in recovery one on one. otherwise it goes on and on. let's face it , these are the poorer people. there are a lot of rich addicts and drunks running this country (of both political parties).

re sex offenders, that is a real tough one. i certainly want to be aware of who is in the neighborhood. some say this is a curable problem. others not! if it is the result of abuse versus an inherited problem, how do we stop the violence? i suppose focus on prevention with the kids, but does that mean all adults are doomed?

there is recent info out that male brains are reforming until age 30 and female until 20. they used to say it all happened at age two! we need to interfere positively as early as possible with as many as possible. this is a societal responsibilty. i don't think there are picket fences any more, at least not in areas this big with so many problems.

well, that's enough ranting and raving. very frustrated living here! used to real neigborhoods! meeting people in person , etc.back east i had an 80 hour a week job as vp of big hospital. still knew all my neighbors. they even call me here in CA from "both" my last neighborhoods and put me up when i go back east. that would be a big exception here. i must say however, that we met our very best friends here from this chat room and their home in england is right near my husband's family--so more lifetime connections have been formed. i guess that the chat room is replacing the traditional definition of a neighborhood!

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