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Monday, August 2nd, 1999 @ 9:04 PM
Subj: two things, no 3...
From: [email protected] (Karleskint, Dan)

1) VERY cool website! I've lived here for 27 years and THIS (your website) is good!

2) I'm working my way through college as a handyman/landscaper... I have many references in the Bernal area and would like to post my name and such in an appropriate area on this website.

a. I would like some assistance from the community to help me in cleaning up the small park area where the pathway meets Avenida Espana and Via Vista. I have spoken to the city and they have sent me written documentation stating that the residents of an area are responsible for the upkeep and maintenence of such areas. The city provides only the barest of maintenence with the stretched resources they have (something like 13 park maintenence guys to do the WHOLE city!)

b. The area in front of Martin Murphy along Santa Teresa looks like pure [xxxx]. I will do about anything to help make that look better - but I can't do it alone - can you find other's to help? Can the school district provide some trees? Or $$ for Trees? It is our most prominent street and currently reflects very poorly on the ENTIRE "south of Bernal" neighboorhood. [Xxx], there must be some other able bodied residents who are as bothered by this as I am and will work to make it right?

Thank You,

DJ Karleskint

As mentioned previously in one the more recent feedback topics regarding traffic islands, I have met many people who have raised this issue with me. Although the city seems to have something in the works from Cottle to Bernal, I am unaware if there are plans to address the area further south. I did inquire with our city councilmembers office, but they are just getting back from vacation and I haven't heard back from them yet. I was informed that several years ago, residents south of Bernal did request some beautification work for their area, but only the area directly in front of Nob Hill was done. [SAS]

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