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Wednesday, January 24th, 2007 @ 4:05 PM |
Subj: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: IBM Mess I�ve already spoke to and emailed the following two people involved with the project, and they think the use of land is the next best idea since apple juice. This area has plenty of apartments from Snell to Bernal why do we need more, with apartments comes trouble and that�s a given no matter where they�re located. If you notice the trend of building now a days is narrow and up with little or no space between houses, its just not my idea of a home or community, with the current residence we have standing in line at Albertsons on Blossom Hill is usually pretty long depending on what day you go there. And I�m sure we will have plenty of shopping carts scattered around the neighborhood because of it The idea of the transit community means less traffic because everyone living there will be taking public transportation, but really with 4-5 thousand units you can multiply that by at least three cars per unit and see how much congestion will be added. Yes car pool and public transportation is great, not the most efficient for where you need to go, I do use it on occasion if my car is being repaired and I need to get somewhere. The city thinks they can force the issue buy creating a �transit community� I�m not too sure it will work. I would rather see some high end monster-homes single or two story units built on the land or a golf course or something� and change the name from �transit community� to something else |
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