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Thursday, October 28th, 1999 @ 8:18 PM |
Subj: Opinions, we all have them From: [email protected] (Wade and Chantal Kastorff) I find it very interesting that many of you are against the Cisco development. First, I want to apologize to you that live in the Coyote Valley that post to this site because I am pro-Coyote Valley Development, but if you live anywhere north of Santa Theresa County Park or the town of Coyote and complain about the lack of open space, move somewhere else. Be glad that this isn't Huntington Beach CA, where all the roads are 2 lanes each way enclosed by 8 foot high brick walls. Currently, I live just off of Santa Theresa at the end of San Jose's current development. I am totally against the building of the CALPINE plant. No need, not the right place... But Cisco is a positive development of the Coyote Valley. I understand that growth is a bad thing, we could only hope that some of the traffic from Morgan Hill and points south that is going to "Silicon Valley" will end up stopping in Coyote Valley to work. That would be a good thing. I think that a bicycle ride commute would make me happy. A blurb about Public Transit. It takes an hour to ride light rail from Santa Theresa station to Great America, I work in the Lockheed Complex, add another +/- 30 minutes when that opens. Not fun and an absolute waste of time. Maybe we should all be complaining to the County Transit Planning people, to speed up the light rail service. Or expand the size of 101 to 8 lanes each way just like this suburb needs. Oops, that's not politically correct to say. Thanks for reading my rant. I would much rather have light industry/high tech and people nearby, rather that a Nasty Power Plant! Please keep posting the great info. |
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