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Cisco Systems campus

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Saturday, August 21st, 1999 @ 5:31 PM
Subj: Cisco feedback
From: [email protected]

Every few weeks I check up on this message board to see what the opinions are on Cisco development. I continue to be amazed and saddened by the large amount of you all who support it and by the reasons why you support it. Please read what I'm going to say, and if you disagree please present me with your opinions through e-mail.

As far as I can see, Cisco isn't promising anything to help ease all the problems that it will cause. Loss of open space, increase in traffic, and virtually causing the entire area between Morgan Hill and Monterey to be forced to house new employees. All three of those things combine for a major loss in the quality of life in the whole area.

Despite the idea of "reverse commute" traffic is definantly not going to get better because jobs will be in Coyote Valley. As long as the jobs are *new* jobs, they will create *new* traffic. This traffic will be in addition to the traffic that already snakes up into northern job centers. People who work for Cisco, and the other industrial parks that will follow if Cisco builds, will be forced to live in Modesto, Monterey, Hollister, Morgan Hill, and Gilroy. We are not *just*developing some corn field in Coyote Valley, we're developing a piece of land that is very closely tied to the rest of the South Valley, Central Valley, San Benito, and Monterey County.

Building sprawling office parks in Coyote Valley will cause sprawling tract homes to be laid out further south, which will cause sprawling traffic to jam our county's roads, and not to mention, will destroy some very beautiful and very much needed open space and agricultural lands. Pretty soon, those people, in those new tract homes, will start sounding like some of you people. Claming they want jobs in their suburbs, to increase their land value so they don't have to commute to Coyote Valley.....and the trend will go on and on.

This is sprawl, and no matter how much money it brings you, or how much it increases your land value, it's still going to have irreversible effects which will be regretted in the future unless something is done to lessen or mitigate those effects now. We are turning the Silicon Valley into one ugly, congested place, and pretty soon no one is going to want to invest in being here if it's a terrible place to live and be located, but still extremely expensive.

Things won't be as booming and rosy as they are now forever. There's bound to be a down to this up, and it looks like we're reaching the pinnacle. And it's sad, because when the silicon sun has set, we'll be left with one ugly, congested, badly developed piece of sprawl from San Jose to points south, and we'll wonder......what the heck we're we thinking when we allowed sprawl to spread south, without any protection or restrictions......or concern for the long term future of our area.

This issue is a lot bigger then just the Coyote Valley, and just your home values. It's effects will be great and far reaching, and they will not be good.

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