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Cisco Systems campus

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Sunday, June 6th, 1999 @ 2:17 PM
Subj: Cisco Systems Campus Feedback
From: [email protected]

I understand that development of the Coyote Valley will bring San Jose and developers a lot of money, and I'm glad that the city is doing its best to make sure that any development down there will be quality. I know that development is practically unavoidable, but please take to heart what I'm about to write.

There should be no development in the Coyote Valley. There are so many better places for development then there. No matter how good the development in the Coyote Valley is, with the current plans it will still be sprawl, and it will cause sprawl to spread in Gilroy, Morgan Hill, and other communities south of San Jose. That sprawl will make things like traffic, pollution, overcrowding, and skyrocketing housing prices worse here....and other areas, like the Central Valley and San Benito County. San Jose should be looking at what impacts developing this area will have on other areas outside of the city limit.

While I'm only 16, I know all about the history of our valley, and I'm a very concerned about its future. Developing the Coyote Valley would be repeating the mistakes of the past, and correcting those mistakes will cost a lot more then the money anyone will ever get from development of the Coyote Valley. You can't ever buy back beauty, history, and quality of life.

So please look at this issue carefully before you say you support it. Because when I'm an adult I'm going to have to deal with the consequences of every decision the people of this valley make today. While the development of the Coyote Valley will bring short term success and money, in the long run it will take away so much more.

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