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South Valley Urban Reserve Sports Complex

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Tuesday, July 30th, 2002 @ 8:25 AM
Subj: South Valley Sports Compleex
From: [email protected] (Jennifer Edwards)

I would like to extend my total support to the development of the South Valley Sports Complex. Having served many years volunteering for Pop Warner Football and Blossom Valley Pony Baseball it is but only a small start to what "should be" in this valley.

Our children and neighbors do not have the state funded resources from the schools to provide athletic programs. Nor do they have the capacity to provide enough fields and resources to the private leagues. This valley has an obligation to it's community to provide a safe place for recreation and the promotion of physical as well as mental health. Although I understand the resistance by the surrounding neighbors as it reflects increased traffic and activity for the area... I am saddened by the lack of social resposibility that we all have to provide what would ultimately be a facility to keep active individuals away from detrimental alternatives such as crime, vandalism, substance abuse, etc.

It is LONG overdue and there is plenty of space in this valley to provide additional facilities. How about the vacant lot on the corner of Branham & Snell? We can continue to be progressive and supply needed resources for a healthy community or we can stunt our youth and fertilize an environment for crime.

Jennifer Loredo-Edwards

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