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Santa Teresa Hills

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Wednesday, November 8th, 2000 @ 1:38 AM
Subj: Santa Teresa Hills Pages
From: [email protected] (Ronald Horii)

I would like to announce that I completed the first release of a Website on the Santa Teresa Hills and the Coyote-Alamitos Canal that runs along them. It is at:

My Website describes the Santa Teresa Hills, why they are so important, why they are endangered, and why they are worth protecting. It also describes the Santa Clara Valley Water District's Coyote-Alamitos Canal that runs along the base of the hills and why it has the potential to be one of the best and most important recreational trails in the Bay Area.

I created these Web pages as an independent effort. The fate of the Santa Teresa Hills and the potential for a recreational trail along the Coyote-Alamitos Canal are important issues to people in South San Jose and the Silicon Valley in general. I created these pages to provide more information on these issues and an analysis of them based upon my experience. I have travelled and visited parks and trails all over the Bay Area and other parts of California and made Web pages on them. One of my Websites was featured on KNTV's TechNow. I have explored and photographed almost every inch of the San Francisco Bay Trail in the South Bay from SFO to Oakland Airport and developed guided photo tour Web pages for ABAG's Bay Trail project. I created a Website on Santa Teresa Park, was elected to secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park, and created a Website for them (though these Web pages are independent of that organization). My new Website contains links to all of these pages.

I believe the fate of the Santa Teresa Hills is of critical importance because they are one of the last areas of open space left in the Silicon Valley. I believe the hills and canal can provide a great recreational resource, which is becoming more important as the population in the southern Silicon Valley booms. I also believe that many people in the South San Jose area take the hills for granted and do not realize the great treasure they have in their backyards. I hope to change that with these Web pages.

There will undoubtedly be some opposition to these proposals, especially by residents close to the proposed canal trail route. Fear of the unknown is a typical and understandable reaction. I try to address those fears and point out the advantages of preserving the hills and opening the canal trail. I hope this can lead to rational discussion and wise planning that will benefit everyone.

Ronald Horii

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