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Pet dog shooting in Santa Teresa Hills

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Monday, December 27th, 1999 @ 5:06 PM
Subj: (No Subject)
From: [email protected] (Raymond Masiclat)

While out for a walk with my husband and my dog on Christmas Eve day, we heard a loud shot and happened upon a tragic scene. A rancher shot and killed a pet dog. The dog had gotten loose from his owners as they jogged on the trail along the foothils. The owners called to their dog and were trying to catch him when the rancher, without warning, used a high-powered rifle to shoot and kill their dog. When the owner asked "why did you shoot my dog?" the rancher pulled out a 9mm handgun and threatened him.

Later, the rancher bragged to police officers that he has shot over 25 dogs.

I am appalled that this maniac is within his rights to use a high-powered rifle to kill our pets and wildlife within yards of our homes. What if that bullet hit a rock and ricochet into one of our homes? Why did he use such extreme measures when a solution of lesser magnitude could have been used? I believe this rancher represents a threat to our community, our children, our pets, and our wildlife. If he can't operate his business without using such extreme measures, he doesn't belong in our community. The County owns this land, not the rancher. Thirty years ago, we were told that this land would become a park with hiking trails, I think it's time they kept their promise.

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