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Thursday, June 21st, 2001 @ 1:48 PM |
Subj: Recycled Water From: [email protected] Recycled water is from toilet flushing, sink drains, laundry rinsing, industrial process water, etc. I'm not too clear on how it is treated; I think it involves chlorine. The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition has raised concerns about this water being used for the proposed Metcalf Energy Center, which proposes using up to 4 million gallons a day in their cooling towers. This means the recycled water droplets will be sprayed into our air, landing in our lungs, our homes, our kids, our pets, our gardens, our swimming pools, our drinking water wells, reservoirs and percolation ponds. SVTC has asked for specific details about components of recycled water and has not received a satisfactory response from the city. Of particular concern are the residuals of the many pharmaceuticals that people take (both legal and illegal) that end up in the "recycled" water. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want my dog on Viagra, my kids on AIDS-control cocktails, or my drinking water laced with heroin, cocaine, etc. You can read the SVTC letter with these concerns at: http://www.santateresacitizen.org/docs/svtc.pdf Concerned? Show up for the City Council meeting next Tuesday, June 26, 7:00 pm, at San Jose City Hall, 801 N. Mission Street. Elizabeth Cord |
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