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Friday, January 21st, 2000 @ 5:14 PM |
Subj: Rancho ST From: [email protected] (Rnacho ST Member) Dear Members of RSTSRC, I am a very concerned member that has lived in this area for about 30 years. Recently our club which has served us all well for 30+ years has come under fire from certain persons. I am not here to run a slander campaign, I am here to let everyone know that if we don't do something about it our home values will drop if the club is sold or if people here about the goings on in the area. If you are as concerned as I please show up at the board meetings, get this email site going and let's refer our board to it and let's work on getting all the clear facts into sight. The club has provided safe summer entertainment for all of our homes for a minimal monthly fee. Our home values are at least several thousand dollars higher because of the facility and we must maintain the club in a fashion that keeps our neighborhood beautiful and safe. That takes money of which we all contribute. Letters alleging that unfair practices have been undergone are ludicrous. Let's all work together to make sure the club stays in the community for many years to come and that any thought of selling it is thrown out quickly. Remember that even those people that don't use the club need to support it so our home values don't drop. >From an extremely concerned member. |
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