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Lucky's shopping center on Cottle Road

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Monday, March 15th, 1999 @ 10:08 PM
Subj: Plaza de Santa Teresa
From: [email protected]

I've just finished reading the minutes of the last meeting. I wish I could have been there. I'm sorry to hear that there is no current plan for a good anchor tenant at this time. It sounds like a "catch 22" and dodge responsibility situation. Duckett Wilson won't attract a good grocery anchor as long as this is, what the commercial re industry terms a "dog" center. It has nothing to do with the homeless or transients. If you were to look at most any other Duckett Wilson center in this area (and I have a list I'd gladly share) you'll find they are also "dog" centers. The whole center needs a face lift. One Real Estate agent commented that this center is the "gateway" to our community. That is exactly right. It's the first and bad impression of the neighborhood. It's been bad enough to have the State Farm building chronically empty, now this - it gives a sense of abandonment. And, we are all majorly inconvienced by not having a neighborhood grocery store. It hits the elderly the hardest - but it's not a picnic for the rest of us either.

The night you've picked for your meetings is the night I have to attend the Campbell Highland Games meetings in Campbell (since I'm on that board). I am very interested in having an update on the center and learning more about the Power Plant at La Colina??? What's that all about.

Thanks for pulling us together!
Sandy Welsh

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