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Proposed Calpine Power Plant
aka Metcalf Energy Center

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Thursday, July 29th, 1999 @ 6:52 PM
Subj: Metcalf Energy Center Workshop
From: [email protected]

Below is the text of a letter I've sent today to Lorraine White, project manager for the California Energy Commission's review of the Metcalf Energy Center's Application for Certification. I think it is of interest. Best regards.

Mario Blaum
Tel. (408) 927-2179
[email protected]

---------------------- Forwarded by Mario Blaum/Almaden/IBM on 07/29/99 06:50 PM ---------------------------

Mario Blaum
07/29/99 02:44 PM

To: "Lorraine White" ([email protected])
cc: [email protected], [email protected]
From: Mario Blaum/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
Subject: Re: Metcalf Energy Center Workshop (Document link not converted)

Dear Ms. White,
I appreciate your response to my letter. Let me summarize briefly my objections to the proposed Metcalf Energy Center. They are essentially two.

1. The project (according to Calpine's documents) will produce 1200 tons of pollution per year. In its discharge, Calpine says that that is much less than what older plants contaminate. For me, the fact is, pollution is pretty bad the way it is in South San Jose. Why do we need more? Calpine's arguments are, more or less, I'm hitting you with a hammer, be happy that I'm not shooting you.

2. What do South San Jose residents gain from the project? According to every document I consulted, absolutely nothing. No reduction in electrical rates is foreseen as a consequence of this construction, that can be done in an unpopulated part of the state.

There are several other objections, but I want to concentrate on these two. My feeling is that the matter is being washed out in an endless number of workshops that most of us cannot attend. Then matters will be decided in committees and subcommittees, where arcane technical issues will be discussed, and eventually the citizens concerns will be ignored. I have talked with many neighbors, and without exceptions they all oppose the project. But a company with a lot of cash, like Calpine, always finds ways to circumvent democracy. I think that a matter that affects our quality of life, like building a polluting plant next to our neighborhoods, should be decided by the voters, and not by commissions like the one you preside, with all due respect. I would appreciate if you could address the two points I have brought up and give me your opinion.

Yours sincerely,

Mario Blaum
Tel. (408) 927-2179
[email protected]

"Lorraine White" ([email protected]) on 07/29/99 12:43:53 PM

To: Mario Blaum/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
cc: [email protected]
Subject: Metcalf Energy Center Workshop

Good morning Mr. Blaum.
My name is Lorraine White. I am the project manager for the California Energy Commission's review of the Metcalf Energy Center's Application for Certification. Bob Aldrich forwarded me your note regarding your resentment for the timing of one of our staff workshops on the Metcalf Energy Center.

As the notice indicated, this meeting is being held to allow the applicant and any other interested parties the opportunity to ask staff to clarify their requests for additional data. Staff submitted to Calpine/Bechtel a letter asking for additional information for our analysis in several technical areas. A copy of this letter is available on our website or I can forward you a hard copy.

I appreciate you taking the time to let me know of your difficulty in attending this daytime meeting. Whenever possible, we will (and have) schedule(d) meetings in the evenings. Unfortunately, we can not schedule all our meetings in the evenings. This should not preclude you from participating, however. Any questions or concerns you have regarding our data requests can be forwarded to me so that our staff can provide you clarifications or explanations. In addition, we write workshop summaries for each staff workshop and post this information on the Commission's website within a couple weeks. If you can not attend a meeting, you can always access the summary on our website or request that a copy be mailed to you.

Thank you again for your input. If you have any questions or further comments, please let me know.
Lorraine White

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