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Proposed Calpine Power Plant
aka Metcalf Energy Center

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Monday, July 19th, 1999 @ 10:17 PM
Subj: California Air Resources Board document on power plant siting
From: [email protected] (Walter Alvey)

While browsing the web site of the California Air Resources Board, I found a document written just about a month ago called "Guidance for Power Plant Siting and Best Available Control Technology". It seems to focus mainly on modern stationary gas turbine electric plants similar to what Calpine is proposing. I found it surprisingly readable.

The entire document is at
The main part of it (not including lengthy appendices) is at

Here is an outline of the introductory section:

    1. What is the purpose of this guidance document?
    2. How has deregulation of the electric utility industry in California affected power plant construction?
    3. How will the new power plants differ from plants built before the deregulation of the electric utility industry?
    4. What are the expected air pollution impacts from the new power plants?
    5. What is the process for approving power plant construction?
    6. What areas are covered by this guidance?
    7. How was this guidance developed?
    1. Best Available Control Technology for Large Gas Turbines Used in Electric Power Production
    2. Emission Offsets
      1. Offset Package Milestones
      2. Interpollutant and Interbasin Emission Offset Ratios
    3. Ambient Air Quality Analysis
    4. Health Risk Assessment
    5. Other Permitting Considerations
      1. Emission Limits
      2. Equipment Startup and Shutdown
      3. Source Testing and Monitoring
      4. Fuel Sulfur Content
      5. Ammonia Slip

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