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Proposed Calpine Power Plant
aka Metcalf Energy Center

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Tuesday, July 13th, 1999 @ 8:36 AM
Subj: Low neighborhood participation in CEC workshop on Monday
From: [email protected] (Walter Alvey)

I'm normally not one to stand on a soap box and rally people to do something, but I would like to ask a question of the neighborhood.

Out of the 525 people responding to this web site's survey on the Calpine power plant, 398 are opposed, 63 are for, and 64 are undecided (as of Tuesday morning, 7/13/99). Although I have not counted the for/against opinions in the message postings, my subjective impression is that a large majority of the postings are against the plant, and some quite strongly. My question is WHERE WERE ALL OF YOU LAST NIGHT DURING THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION WORKSHOP ON THIS PLANT?????

Some people did show up and voice their concerns, but my subjective impression was that the majority of the people standing up to make comments supported the plant. Many of these were people in the construction unions that will be building the plant. Many claimed to live in the neighborhood. I'm sure that some do though I didn't see anyone that I recognized. Another person who spoke in favor of the plant was involved in a group to whom Calpine had made a charitable donation. Others were people who do not live in the neighborhood and whose affiliation was unclear. I respect these people for taking time out of their evening on a hot night to come and make their opinions known. But if more people in our neighborhood don't do the same, then our opinions won't mean anything.

I don't know people's reasons for not attending. I'm sure that some had other commitments last night. (I know that I won't be able to attend all the meetings.) But I hope that they will attend as many meetings as they can and/or write letters to make their feelings known.

Some people may feel that it's a done deal or that they won't be listened to. From what I have heard so far, I sincerely believe that the California Energy Commission wants to hear neighborhood opinion and fully intends to investigate neighborhood concerns. They are not a rubber stamp that routinely approves plants. But when they hear a majority of people saying that they live in the neighborhood and they support the plant, they can only conclude that there is no significant neighborhood opposition.

Some people may feel that there are other people looking out for the neighborhood interests. No other person or group has a larger incentive to protect our interests than we do. I view the CEC as somewhat of a referee in this controversy. In most sports, if one team doesn't show up, they forfeit the game.

Even if you are undecided or you support the plant, you may have some concerns or questions that you want addressed. Or you may want to ensure that Calpine lives up to what it has promised. I believe they are sincere in their belief that this plant will be good for the community. But no matter how well intentioned they are, they have little incentive to address our concerns if we don't show up to voice them.

These meetings are our chance to have a say. Once the plant is approved, if we don't like it, our choices will be to live with it, spend a lot of money on legal action, or move away.

I'll close with a question that a plant supporter asked me on the way out. "If your neighbors are so worried about his plant, why don't they show up and say something?" A very fair question.

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