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Thursday, July 1st, 1999 @ 7:38 AM | |
Subj: Tatarakis: Letter of Introduction, From: [email protected] (Mike Tatarakis) Scott & Donna, I received a couple of not deliverable responses. Please check the SJCC addresses and send me a set. I will try to correct my errors. Thank you for your time and dedication to the Web site and the area. We appreciate what you do. Please let me know if I should use a different E-Mail address. I got this one from your Site. The Tatarakis Family; From: Tatarakis Honored members of the San Jose City Council, My name is Mike Tatarakis. I am a long time resident of South San Jose. Over the years I have been active with my community by serving on the Los Paseos Homeowners Association Board, working with my City Council representative on area issues, and participating with educational institutions servicing vocational & academic pursuits. Recently I been asked (and agreed) to join the South San Jose Advisory Committee to Councilwoman Powers concerning the Calpine / Bechtel Energy project. I plan to serve the Committee and my Community to best of my ability. I would like to express my opinion and these of the Community from time to time. If a finger can be kept on the pulse of my area, I will try to give you the count. This area going South is the next big growth sector for San Jose. It is clear that my area has some changes coming with the development of the Coyote Valley. We want what is best of us and our children, best for San Jose / Morgan Hill, and for the betterment of the environment in the future. We believe that the current San Jose General Plan is a good one. We will need Commercial Businesses in South San Jose. The biggest employer of the area - IBM, will not be here for much longer as a large employer. The people moving in and currently in living here will need jobs or will have to join the commute further clogging the roads to everywhere. Well planed growth including updating the infrastructure is KEY! New power plants are needed in California, I agree. There are plenty of "Open Spaces" that are not next to populated housing tracts. Although not as "ideal" a place, these would not present the economic hardship or political backlash as does the current proposal by Calpine. If the General Plan is changed to accept this Power Plant, the resultant tax losses from reduced property values in the immediate area will far outstrip the potential earnings to the city. The plant will discourage other potential companies such as Cisco Systems, Apple Computer, Microsoft, etc. from moving here. These companies bring the tax revenue, jobs, community evolvement, and good corporate citizenship that is needed to "jump start" the Coyote Valley growth!! I believe Calpine places a "choke" on the engine of our future and the growth of San Jose! The entire Council should consider how they and their constituency would
feel with a plant next to their home? We must all work together to stay the course set in the current San Jose City General Plan. It is a good plan with many hours invested by many people. Do not make an exception for Calpine/Bechtel which will disrupt our future. Thank you for your help, understanding, and consideration. Sincerely,
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