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Friday, June 25th, 1999 @ 12:18 AM |
Subj: Moss Landing Modernization From: [email protected] To follow up on Tim Alton's post describing the proposed modernization of the Moss Landing Power Plant by Duke Energy. >From their executive summary of the project
at "It will provide 1,206 megawatts (MW) of additional electric power for the local area and the state of California, while reducing overall environmental impacts by utilizing an existing power plant site that has been in operation for almost 50 years." "The Project will enhance the reliability of electricity serving the local area and the San Jose area. " "With the Project, power transmitted to the local loads, southern portion of the Bay Area, and Central Valley from the Moss Landing switchyard will be generated at the point of transmission, thereby providing improved reliability of the existing transmission system." "In addition, most potential environmental concerns are alleviated by Project design. Because it is a brownfield site, potential issues associated with a new site, new natural gas pipeline(s), new cooling systems, new roads, new transmission lines, new water and sewer facilities or connections, and other support buildings and infrastructure will not be necessary. As a result, development of the Project will not involve the same environmental impacts as would occur with development at a greenfield site. Impacts frequently associated with development in a natural, or greenfield setting include: extensive habitat disturbance for transmission lines, pipelines, roads, the power plant site itself,consumptive use of water, and/or industrial development in a nonindustrial area." "Based on a construction start in March 2000, initial startup would occur in July 2002 and full-scale operation would commence in October 2002 (see Figure 1-6). The Unit 7 upgrade is scheduled to be operational in December 2001. The Unit 6 upgrade is scheduled to be operational in June 2003." "The MLPP site is designated for heavy industrial use and is bordered on two sides by heavy industrial uses. The Project site is within the privately-owned and operating power plant. As a result, there will be no significant impacts related to land use or land use issues." "Beneficial aspects of the Project include: The existing switchyard and network of transmission lines will carry the additional power generation, with no need for new transmission lines or major system modifications." If the Moss Landing plant is modernized, what is the Metcalf Energy Center going to offer in terms of additional reliability? How much reliability does a city need and when do we reach a point of diminishing returns? Sincerely, Steven Nelson |
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