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Thursday, June 24th, 1999 @ 11:35 AM | |
Subj: Dist. 2 "Advisory Committee" From: [email protected] (Andrew Mendoza) Once a again, great job in posting important up-to-date information for the community benefit. I wanted to pass on some informal information to you concerning the Dist.2 Advisory Committee. 1) Jeff Wade (as recommended by Liz Cord and the Santa Teresa Action Group/community) has been added to the the Dist. Two Metcalf Energy Center Advisory Committee. 2) For furture postings, The Comittee is the "Dsit. 2 Metcalf Energy Center Advisoy Committee" Vs. "City Task Force." 3) Lastly, Steve Nelsons report on the 6/17 Committee meeting is wonderful and included some very important information. Nevertheless, there is some information that needs to be clarifed. "AT ONE POINT A MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE (WHO HAPPENS TO BE A MEMBER OF STAG) ASKED WHY ELIZABETH CORD OF STAG WAS NOT ON THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, REPLACED BY AT THE LAST MINUTE BY JEFF DIXON WHO IS NOT CONSIDERED CORE MEMBER OF THE GROUP (BUT CORE ENOUGH TO REPRESENT THE GROUP ON A RADIO PUBLIC TALK SHOW). THE AUDIENCE MEMBER (STAG MEMBER) CHARGED THAT LISA POELLE OF CALPINE, A FORMER AIDE TO COUNCILMEMBER POWERS, MADE A REQUEST TO COUNCILMEMBER POWERS OFFICE TO HAVE ELIZABETH CORD REMOVED FROM THE COMMITTEE. THIS CHARGE WAS NOT RESOLVED AT THE MEETING." ONE OF THE THINGS THAT WAS NOT REPORTED WAS: (ANDREW OF COUNCILMEMBER POWERS OFFICE WAS IN THE PROCESS OF ADDRESSING AND CLARIFING THE ISSUES WHEN HE WAS ASKED BY THE COMMITTEE CHAIR (KENT EDENS) TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT AGENDA ITEM OUT OF REPSECT TO THE COMMITTTE MEMBER. In addition, I wanted to clarify some of the misunderstanding/communication in terms of the the Advisory Committee make up. The Committee was created and committee members were selected by Councilmember Powers. Some members offered to serve on the committee while others were referred. Nevertheless, Charlotte made the final approval/selection and not Calpine (or Lisa Poelle). However, as I have shared with you after the 6/17 meeting, Elizabeth Cord was not approached to serve on the Advisory Committee. A Mercury News reporter printed that on 6/6/99 reported that Charlotte had asked Elizabeth Cord to serve on the committee. As per Charlotte, she told the reporter that "she would asking some one from Elizabeth Cord's group, The Santa Teresa Action Group to serve on the Committee." Thus, how can one be removed from a committee if they were never asked to serve on a committee. Although the charge was not resolved at the meeting (out of repsect to the Committeee members it was not the place nor the time) I have personally talked to Liz to clarify that misinformation/communication and she recommended Jeff Wade, who will now be serving on the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to present our perspective. Overall, I feel we need to continue to move on to additional important and key issues of the project (e.g., quality of life, property values, community/environmental impacts etc.) And we need to continue to move forward with "open and honest" communication Vs. he/she said and pesonal attacks. Look foward to working with you, the Santa Teresa Action Group and community! Thank You! :0) Andrew
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