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Saturday, June 19th, 1999 @ 10:09 PM |
Subj: Calpine power plant feedback From: [email protected] Dear Santa Teresa Residents, I am strongly against the Calpine plant being built at the Tulare Hill's site. I do not like the idea because the plan will allow a zoning change and permit other heavy industry plants to be built in the future in Coyote. Technology is reducing emissions in new designed plants who are to be pollution free. Heavy industry companies will ask to build closer to our population because the City allowed Calpine to be built. The Calpine plant is an unhealthy change in zoning policy by the City of San Jose. The plan to keep the Edenvale and Coyote a research and development zone was an excellent idea and it is working. The area has been kept free from destructive development and new campus companies are being attracted to the area. The new change of allowing Calpine to build is not keeping the area from being destroyed by surban sprawl and no planning. In fact, it is the opposite of what the planning department for twenty years has tried to control. Why the change? Building a heavy industrial plant is not what was told to me when I bought my home in Blossom Valley/Santa Teresa twenty years ago. One reason we moved into to the neighborhood was to be free from air pollution in San Franciso. I feel the City will gain more in tax revenue if they continue with the plan for a research and development area in the Coyote zone. Having a mixed heavy industrial zone and research zone will drive away potential developments and destroy the image of a clean and beautiful area. High tech companies are not moving into the old steel mills in the midwest because of their slum appearance of the area. Also, I feel in is unfair that Calpine's may offer lower rates due to less transmission line fees. This is not a reason to allow the plant to be built. Calpine's designers are taking advantage of the new deregulation law for the power utilities companies under the disguise of green power. I feel P.G.& E. would have long ago built a plant on that site if it was not carefully watched as a major polluter. The technology for gas driven power plants is not new as show by the comparison articles in the paper. The designers are willing to build the plant closer to the public because they are willing to risk adding any polution to our air. This was something P.G.& E. was not allowed to do to our communities. Plants were built away from the residents to prevent any toxins reaching our neighborhoods. A plant that pollutes any type of pollutions, no matter what degree is not healthy. I don't want to find out years later that a new test can discover a new kind of pollution is being released in the air from the plant. I don't want to find I have been breathing air from the Calpine plant that is dangerous. I strongly feel new test have not been developed to measure the toxins that are produced by gas driven generators. I feel that the Calpine plant is being built too close to the residents of all of San Jose to be safe. An example of a new test being developed and discovering a major toxic leak has already occured in our neighborhood. The Fairchild leak became a major problem when the engineer's discovered a new method to test the water for toxins is an example of what has happened before to our community. I don't want to see that happen to our air. It is a dangerous risk to further polluted our neighborhood air by any gas new gas furances. Please count me in any activties to prevent Calpine from destroying our neighborhood and our clean air. Sincerly, |
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