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Proposed Calpine Power Plant
aka Metcalf Energy Center

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Monday, May 24th, 1999 @ 12:24 PM
Subj: Calpine Power Plant, AKA Metcalf energy center
From: [email protected]

I want to voice a BIG concern about this plant being built near my new home!

I bought a new home in Basking Ridge about 1 year ago. I bought in this area because I wanted to escape the city. Now you folks want to move in my neighborhood and destroy it! Of course you will say this is for the people and for progress BUT it is NOT and I am completely and totally against this. I understand from one engineer that if this plant is indeed built in your proposed location, the land will vibrate, the air will be filled with bad fumes and odors, etc.. In other words the neighborhood I moved into will cease to exist and I know it.

Do you realize how many wonderful animals, plants and people live here? Do you know that you can not put a price tag on this type of thing and by no means can you take it back once you have destroyed it! Do you realize the number of people who bike/hike and picnic on the Coyote Creek Trail each and every day? That would not be the case if the air is filled with fumes/odor and the ground shakes. My guess is NONE of you folks live near this area. I know you would not want this in your back yard. Are you so out of touch with nature and the Earth that you no longer care? It reminds me of the shootings at the high schools these days. Like these kids who kill and idolize have become hardened and no longer have a conscious or feelings. This is the only reasonable conclusion I can come to.

Please, for the sake of Mother Earth and all that resides in this not build this plant!

Lisa Noeltner
San Jose CA. 95138

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