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Proposed Calpine Power Plant
aka Metcalf Energy Center

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Tuesday, May 18th, 1999 @ 2:19 PM
Subj: More interesting Calpine documents
From: [email protected]

I have been reading more of the Calpine documents posted on the CEC web site. The most interesting regarding air quality is docs/vol1/SEC08 _01_AIR_QUAL.DOC. In this document there is a discussion of the modeling technique used to determine how the emissions flow from the stacks. I found the following paragraphs made me more concerned about possibly living near such a plant:

Simple, intermediate and complex terrain impacts were assessed for all meteorological conditions that would limit the amount of final plume rise. Plume impaction on elevated terrain, such as on the slope of a nearby hill, can cause high ground�level concentrations, especially under stable atmospheric conditions. Another dispersion condition that can cause high ground�level pollutant concentrations is caused by building downwash. Building downwash can occur when wind speeds are high and a building or structure is in close proximity to the emission stack. This can result in building wake effects where the plume is drawn down toward the ground by the lower pressure region that exists in the lee side (downwind) of the building or structure.
Fumigation conditions occur when the plume is emitted into a low lying layer of stable air (inversion) that then becomes unstable, resulting in a rapid mixing of pollutants towards the ground. The low mixing height that results from this condition allows little diffusion of the stack plume before it is carried downwind to the ground. Although fumigation conditions rarely last as long as an hour, relatively high ground-level concentrations may be reached during that period. Fumigation tends to occur under clear skies and light winds, and are more prevalent in the summer.

With my limited mathematical background, I am skeptical the equations used to model the dispersion of the pollutants will tell us much about our air quality if the plant is constructed. If the plant is constructed I think those of us living near the plant should push for a number permanent air monitoring stations administered by the city not Calpine so we can get accurate reports of our air quality.


Steven Nelson

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