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Proposed Calpine Power Plant
aka Metcalf Energy Center

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Friday, April 30th, 1999 @ 6:47 PM
Subj: Metcalf Power Plant
From: [email protected]

I love the idea. The people who resist are also the one that probably lover to pay the high PG&E bill. I read all that everyone has written and find that as usual politicians (that includes the South San Jose Team members) will distort the truth to accomplish what?

Bob Hepple of Calpine was quoted to say the building the power plant in Moss Landing was not cost effective and immediately, it is to assume that Calpine won't make a profit. How narrow minded does one have to be to figure it out. HOW FAR IS MOSS LANDING TO SAN JOSE? AND THE COST TO GET THE ENERGY FROM MOSS LANDING TO SAN JOSE, SAN JOSE WILL HAVE TO PAY. Yes, Calpine will make a profit. That is why Calpine was developed. To be a business that makes money. They will profit no matter where they build but at the same time they want to keep the cost down for the people who use the energy. So they can't think of the people who use it at the same time, make money? PacBell does it and they get no grief. Oil refineries make more pollution than power plants but I don't see you South San Jose residents driving any less. Oh, that's right, it's not in your "backyard". Out of sight, out of mind. Isn't that some what a double standard?

So you are sitting in your comfortable living room with the air conditioner running, on a nice hot day, enjoying the ball game on the TV with a ice cold beer in your hand; your kids are in their room playing video games on the computer and you're running the washer and dryer to get the laundry done and suddenly, you have no power... Now where would you like Calpine to be? Moss Landing or San Jose...

I Support Calpine!

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