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General Announcement

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Thursday, June 24th, 2004 @ 2:28 PM
Subj: Video Camera Users Wanted for a User Research Study!
From: [email protected] (Video Research Team)

*** Video Camera Users Wanted! ***


We are looking for people who are interested in providing feedback about their experience taking videos. We are currently recruiting participants for lab studies. As a token of our appreciation, participants will receive a $75 check after completing a 1.5 - 2 hour lab study.

If you are interested in participating, please complete and return the questionnaire below, so we can learn more about your background and potential fit for the studies. We are looking for ALL levels of experience. Your responses will be reviewed and if you fit the profile of the participants we need, we will contact you to check your availability for a study.

Thank you!

The Video Research Team

[email protected]

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Where did you hear about this study? ____________________

1. Do you own a video camera? If so, is it digital? [Yes, No, Don't Know]

If 'YES' to question 1:

1a. What Brand and Model of digital video camera(s) do you currently own?

2. Please describe the most recent videos (within the past year) that you have shot.

3. Have you ever edited your video(s)? If yes, how? Please describe.

4. If you have not edited your video(s), how interested are you in editing your video(s)? Please use a scale from 1 (not interested) � 10 (very interested)?

5. Which method(s) have you used (if any) to share your video? [Tape, VCD, DVD, other (please specify)]

6. How often do you use a DVD player to watch movies? [Never, Rarely, Less than once a month, Monthly, 2-3 times per Month, Weekly, 2-3 times per Week, Daily]

7. What is your current occupation? (If currently unemployed or retired, please list previous occupation AND the industry you usually work in or used to work in.)

8. Where do you work? [Employer, City, State, Zip where you work]

9. Where do you live? [City, State, Zip]

10. Which phone number(s) can we reach you at during the DAY?

Which phone number(s) can we reach you at in the EVENING?

11. What email address can we contact you at?

12. What is your First and Last name?

13. What is your age?

14. What is your gender? [Male, Female]

15. Do you have children? If so, how old are they?

16. Put an "X" next to the software listed below if you have ever used it AND explain what you used the software for and the extent of your experience with that particular software.

___ ACDSee

___ Adobe After Affects

___ Adobe Encore

___ Adobe PageMaker

___ Adobe PhotoDeluxe

___ Adobe Premiere

___ Adobe Premiere Pro

___ Adobe Premiere LE

___ Adobe LiveMotion

___ Adobe Photoshop LE

___ Adobe Photoshop Album (costs approx. $49)

___ Adobe Photoshop Elements (costs approx. $79-99)

___ Adobe Photoshop (Professional product, costs over $600)

___ Apple Final Cut Pro

___ Apple iDVD

___ Apple iMovie

___ Apple iPhoto

___ ArcSoft PhotoStudio

___ ArcSoft ShowBiz

___ Broderbund Movieshop

___ Dazzle MovieStar

___ Extensis Portfolio

___ JASC Paint Shop Pro

___ JASC Paint Shop Photo Album

___ JASC Paint Shop Power Suite � Photo Edition

___ Lifescape Picasa

___ Macromedia Dreamweaver

___ MGI PhotoSuite

___ Microsoft PictureIt!

___ Microsoft Digital Imaging Pro

___ Microsoft Digital Imaging Suite

___ Microsoft Windows XP Media Center PC (and software bundled with this PC for use with your photos/videos)

___ Photodex ProShow

___ Pinnacle Edition

___ Pinnacle Studio

___ Roxio Easy CD Creator

___ Roxio PhotoSuite

___ Roxio Video Wave

___ Sonic myDVD

___ Sonic DVDit

___ Sony Video Factory

___ Sony Movie Maker

___ Sony Screenblast Movie Studio

___ Ulead PhotoImpact

___ Ulead Video Studio

___ Ulead DVD Factory

___ Windows Movie Maker

___ Other software (please specify)_________________________________

___ Software that came with my camera (list the type of camera, name of software) ____________________

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