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Saturday, June 3rd, 2000 @ 8:52 PM
Subj: Half-way house
From: [email protected] (William Brecheen)

Rumor has it-and it's only a rumor for now-that our neighboring house at 298 Burning Tree Drive may be converted to a half-way house of some sort. We're exploring the situation and don't want to over-react until we know the facts...but we are concerned.
The house not used for multiple room rentals - probably without permits or code compliance - but the only problem to date has been the 7 or 8 vehicles parked in the driveway and on the street. The residents do, however, do their best to keep the vehicles in front of the house and they have been no problem as neighbors to date.
IF there is a half-way house for drug, alcohol or psychiatric rehab, there might be several potential problems. An elementary school walk=way is almost directly across from our house, thus next to the house in question. Many very young children walk to and from school daily. If a half-way house is established without proper supervision - and I understand that that is one of the major problems - then the potential is obvious. Home prices in our neighborhood have been growing over the past years although not nearly as much as some other districts. I would personally not choose to buy a home next to a board and care facility. Snobbish? Perhaps, but true. (There is an elder board and care home down the street owned by the owners of our neighboring home and there appear to be no problems.)
Does anyone know whether or not neighbors are advised of plans of this type and if input is accepted....and considered?
Thanks for reading this, and let us know what you think.
Bill & Sharon Brecheen
[email protected]

Hi Bill. I have attended a few community meetings regarding groups homes and it is my understanding that nobody HAS to be notified if there are 6 or less in a home. However, more than 6 requires city planning commission approval. The city can't descriminate based on the Federal Fair Housing Act with 6 or less. If more than 6, the city would probably notify neighbors within 1000 feet of the home. [SAS]

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