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Tuesday, November 2nd, 1999 @ 9:17 AM
Subj: work together
From: [email protected] (Athought)

Time to work together to get things accomplished here. I encourage all of you to seek participation in the ST Citizens Action Group. Also, to work with the RST Board, by initiating and participating in committees. I would also encourage you all not to be drawn into the manner that one board member has adopted. Working with one another, and getting things done as a team is very rewarding, and achieves the greatest goals. There is quite a lot that can be accomplished when we all work together.

Community involvement is essential to programs such as block parents, neighborhood watch and the like. Only when we work together can we benefit from programs that prepare us for what to do in the event of an emergency. Remember, in the event of an emergency, your neighbor may be the first one there to assist you. Wouldn't you like to know that they can help, or know that you need it?

Now, do you want to be the one involved and help our community prepare? If there was an earthquake, and I am hurt from something falling off my house, hitting me, I want someone to help me. Not someone to boast that the last one that worked on my roof should have done a better job. And oh the wrath that that roof worker will suffer now! Learn how you can help your neighbors, and work as a team. The information is available, if you are interested.

Lance Henderson

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