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Friday, March 19th, 1999 @ 10:57 PM
Subj: Graffiti
From: [email protected]


I have 5 one gallon cans of paint that matches the retaining walls along Curie Drive. I got it from the city graffiti department and would be happy to give a gallon to anyone who wants to help maintain those walls. The city also gave me rollers and paint brushes which I am happy to pass on.

I also have the special Graffiti Blaster solution that removes graffiti from masonry, stone, sidewalks, signs, and utility boxes. This stuff is powerful - the graffiti just wipes right off signs. I have 4 spray bottles, and the associated safety gear (goggles, mask, and gloves). If anyone walks regularly, and would like to carry a bottle along with them to clean up signs, etc., that would be great.

My family is volunteering to maintain the wall at the intersection of Curie Drive and Los Pinos. For years, a neighbor maintained it, and was diligent about painting over any graffiti immediately. Before too long, it seemed the wall hardly ever got tagged anymore. ( It really is true that the quicker you paint over graffiti, the less graffiti you get.) The neighbor moved recently, so we are volunteering the take over. My kids get involved in the painting and think it's the greatest! People driving by and walking by, applaud and holler their thanks. The kids love it. It's a great family activity.

Contact Heidi Grothus, at 629-6423 if you are interested in getting any paint, Graffiti Blaster spray, or supplies. This really is great family fun, and a wonderful way to teach responsibility and neighborhood pride.

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