SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Saturday, April 9th, 2005 @ 5:50 PM |
Subj: O'Henry's Donut -YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: Karyn O'Henry's Donuts on Cottle across from IBM next to Eric's Deli is my very favorite place on the earth since I moved here appx 13 YEARS ago! There are always fresh, fluffy & the poeple are as nice as can be. 3 Weeks ago I had back surgery, so figured I would indulge the day before surgery. All of the chairs were on the tables when I walked in so I assumed they just cleaned & warned me to watch out for the wet floor. I was checking the top display case which of course has lights on etc & to my absolute HORROR was a baby COCKROACH walking across a donut!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I turned around and walked out, pittying the 2 poor guys eating their donuts out front. It literally turned my stomach, so I came home & called the health dept. & requested a call back with a report. She said they have a very bad roach problem at the water heater, that would take at LEAST a month to get under control. I asked about Eric's since to my knowledge roaches are not partial to just donuts & she said Eric's is exceptional at keeping the place roach free, even painting something on the walls. But now I have to also wonder since chairs were up etc were those lovely roach crawled on donuts going to stay in the case all night??? |
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