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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004 @ 9:34 AM |
Subj: Trees & Responsibility From: [email protected] (Terry Brewster) I have a city tree on the corner of my lot at the end of a cul de sac. It is not on my property, yet the city says it is MY responsibility. There are two large branches growing into a Eucalyptus that is in my yard. The Eucalyptus is growing sideways now because of this city tree. To remove the branches from teh city tree, they say I have to have, 1 a permit, 2 have an arborist come look at the branches first, 3 I have to pay for it. If it is my responsibility, I would rather have the tree taken out completely, but to do that I need, 1 a permit, 2 an arborist look at the tree and determine if it's dying or dead (which it's not)and 3 I have to pay for it. What kind of scam is this? Has anybody dealt with the city and trees that might be able to shed a little light on this for me?? Thanks in advance for your help. T |
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