SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Thursday, March 11th, 2004 @ 6:59 PM |
Subj: Re: Help fight VTA's latest fare hike! (petition included) From: [email protected] (Eugene Bradley) Terry: The ballot measure you are talking about (Regional Measure 2) where tolls were raised by one dollar, is mostly for transportation capital (i.e. construction) projects. The measure does allow up to 38% in bridge toll revenue for transit operations - although for VTA's share it would not be enough to offset their $100 million deficit. More information on Regional Measure 2 can be found here: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/whats_happening/legislative_update/rm2-qa.htm Keep in mind that the MTC is the Metropolitan Transportation Commission - the Bay Area's transit planners and financiers. This is the agency VTA submits public transit and road projects to in order to obtain state and federal funding for the projects. I would definitely contact Forrest Williams or Pat Dando (San Jose City Councilmembers who also sit on the VTA Board) and express your transportation concerns. The more they hear from folks regarding poor public transit, the more they are likely to do something reasonable. Remember: it's YOUR money that is being spent - or wasted - on public transit in the Valley. Exercise your right to know how it is - or is not - being spent. --eugene |
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