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Friday, May 17th, 2002 @ 3:56 PM
Subj: Youth Sports Facility
From: [email protected] (Sally Hess)

Thanks for providing a forum for comments regarding this facility. If the planning commission required the Chinese Christian Church to scale back its plans for 250 parking spaces (down to 150), why would they allow this facility 600 spaces--just across the highway? This two lane road is already well used, and I am trying to imagine emergency vehicles attempting to make their way past the facility to emergencies on the highway or at Calero Reservoir. I'm trying to imagine children attempting to get safely to games on this highway. There isn't even a shoulder - there are ditches on both sides. I'm trying to imagine being able to get out of or into my neighborhood if such a facility is allowed to be constructed.

I understand that such a facility would draw participants from other cities. If you look at traffic studies, Almaden Expressway already has several intersections that have traffic levels above the acceptable level. If our officials allow such a facility to go in without taking into consideration what such an increase in traffic would do to intersections such as Harry/McKean or Harry/Almaden, or others along Almaden Expressway, they would be making a mistake. Please visit the Almaden Valley Community Association's website and see the article on traffic -

It seems to me that the city of San Jose could find a location that is safer and that makes more sense.
Sally Hess

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