SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Thursday, January 27th, 2000 @ 8:36 AM |
Subj: Rancho STSRC From: [email protected] (Rnacho ST Member) Dear Members, As you may or may not know there is a recall election that is going to take place to recall a member of the board. This recall election was decided at the board meeting because there is a lot of support in removing this person from the board. She has brought this club to a halt and is reaking havic on innuendos about falsifying documents, irresponsible use of funds etc... DON'T BE FOOLED by the letters on your doorstep saying she is trying to help our club. She wants to seel it and try to make a few measley dollars. Our home values would drop instantly much more than the money you MAY receive from the sale of the club. She does not want it to remain a safe and fun place to go. PLEASE get out and vote for the recall when the ballots arrive at your door and support the same club that we have for 30 years+. If you think that $20 is too much for the kind of facility we have, trying looking at any health club etc...and they cost much much more and they DON'T help your home value. We are not a condo facility and we are not being treated like one. Condo fees are much higher and they don't have the benefits that we have or higher home values. As for homes being foreclosed...This is a very rare situation of people that have not paid their dues for a repeated period of time and they DON'T want to follow any payment plans or discuss any options. We ALL signed papers when we bought our houses that legaly said we would pay our $20 a month. Please support the recall of Mrs. Livingstone and for FACTS please talk to other board members. |
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