SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Thursday, June 10th, 1999 @ 11:51 AM | |
Subj: Signal Light at Encinal and Santa Teresa From: [email protected] June 10, 1999 Dear Scott, I am responding to the email you sent to Charlotte regarding an update on the status of the signal light. Our office has looked into the situation and had been working with the neighborhood who sent in over 200 letters of concern regarding the need for a signal light. We have also been in contact with the Oak Grove School District and received a letter of support for the signal by Hardy Childers. I am curious as to who the individual spoke with in the City that stated that a traffic signal was not needed at this location. In fact, the intersection is warranted to have a traffic signal installed but missed this years funding. Councilmember Charlotte Powers agrees that there is an urgent need to install a traffic signal at the aforementioned intersection. She has submitted a budget memo as an emergency request for funding to install the traffic signal. Charlotte sends her hellos and thanks you for your concern and interest in this issue. If you have any other questions please contact our office at 277-4282 or the City department of Streets and Traffic, Traffic Signal Operations at 277-4304. Cordially,
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