SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Thursday, May 13th, 1999 @ 9:42 AM |
Subj: Traffic Light From: [email protected] I would like to raise an issue to have our commnunity take action to request the City of San Jose to add a traffic light at the corner of Encinal and Santa Teresa Blvd. This intersection can be extremely dangerous to make a left turn onto Santa Teresa from Encinal. In addition, we have Santa Teresa Elementary school on Encinal Dr. which creates a lot of personnel and car traffic. This traffic speeds down El Portal Way in order to be able to use the Camino Verde light to turn onto Santa Teresa. El Portal Way is NOT a main thoroughfare, but is being used as one. A light at the location above would allow traffic to safely cross Santa Teresa and alleiviate some of the El Portal Way congestion and speeding. The busses also use El Portal for the same reason. Lastly, The new park across Santa Teresa Blvd and Encinal is now open and is wonderful for our community use. There is no crosswalk to use within a reasonable distance or without having to walk on Santa Teresa Blnd. This encourages jay walking and it is only a matter of time before someone gets hit. In addition, Since our Lucky's is now gone and we have to travel to Bernal Rd. many of us now make a left turn back onto Encinal from Santa Teresa in order to get home after shopping. This would be much more safe to do with a trafic light. Please consider supporting this community in getting te City of San Jose to do a survey of this intersection and move forward toward greater safety and enjoyment of our community. Sincerely, A concerned resident |
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