SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Wednesday, May 4th, 2005 @ 9:42 PM |
Subj: Spring Plumes From: Tim Alton Spring is here and the hills are covered in plumes. I could see this morning's emissions from MEC on Monterey road when I was still 3 miles south of the plant. It looked as though it created it's own little cloud. According to http://www.metcalfenergycenter.com/ Will there be a steam plume? In modern power plant construction, the water vapor normally rising above the cooling towers or stacks is called a "plume". The Metcalf Energy Center will include "plume abatement" technology in the project design in order to meet the high visual standards proposed for North Coyote Valley. The system is designed to prevent prominent plumes during normal weather conditions year-round when equipment is in normal operation Currently the plant is not in normal operations. But if you see a plume after June call the CEC: 800 858-0784 I am concerned about the number of startups and shutdowns this plant will be making since it does not seem to have any long term contract for delivering power. As a way of reducing pollution it was supposed to have promised a limited number, in the infamous agreement with the city. Selling into the daily energy markets by traders in Houston TX, sounds good to me! We know how much Texan traders love our California Grandmothers. Tim Alton |
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