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Thursday, September 16th, 2004 @ 7:29 AM
Subj: discussion topic
From: [email protected]

My husband and I attended the Calpine meeting on 9-15 and are pretty disappointed with the way things always seem to turn out. There always seems to be a couple of people (usually the same ones) who hog the floor and won't give anyone else a chance to ask questions. My husband had his hand up for about 10 minutes trying to be recognized and was completely ignored because these people kept bulling forth and would not yield to anyone else.

I realize that we are all worried about this project and about our futures but is there no chance for us to have some decorum in these meetings? As Steve Hass pointed out, the classroom displayed a list of rules of conduct that all of us would benefit by following. If we expect our children to act with respect to others, should we not do the same?

Many of us would like a chance to ask our own questions. That is why we are there. Plus, being combative, accusatory and casting doubt on the honesty of the Calpine (Metcalf) representatives or others gets us nowhere. It only hinders useful communication.

Lenora Wrightsman

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