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Tuesday, July 13th, 2004 @ 12:16 PM
Subj: Hitatchi Development
From: [email protected]

Here are questions I sent to Elena Lee, Planning Project Mnager, city of San Jose. ([email protected])

Dear Ms. Elena Lee,
I attended the Hitachi presentation on Wednesday evening at the Southside Senior Center but had to leave at 8:00pm. In the spirit of this statement from the Fact Sheet on your web site, "Throughout the review process, Hitachi would be happy to meet with individuals, neighborhood organizations and community groups, as well as other interested citizens to discuss the proposal, answer questions or provide additional information. Hitachi would welcome input and appreciate feedback on its planning efforts in San Jose." I have these questions:

Considering IBM and Hitachi as employers on the South San Jose site what is the present net job loss or gain since Hitachi�s move into the site?

What charitable contributions has Hitachi made to our immediate South San Jose community since it has become our neighbor?

Why is Hitachi, rather than the actual developer, conducting this planning effort? And, how will the developer be legally required to abide by Hitachi�s plan?

I live within one mile of the Hitachi site. Can I expect my property taxes to decrease as a result of the increased tax revenue the City will receive from this development?

Will the housing units be available for purchase by individual buyers or will they be strictly rentals, like half of Palmia, thereby housing a relatively itinerant population?

Palmia is presently an eyesore since it is NOT FINISHED. Why are we considering starting another housing project within about a thousand feet of one that, for whatever reason, has not been successful?

How will traffic cross the rail lines that divide the site from Monterey road?

Presently there are at least SIX shopping centers within EASY walking distance of the Hitiachi site. Collectively, they house myriad types of retail businesses, including a WalMart, a fitness center a major grocery store, a yuppie coffee house etc. Please explain why we need still another.

Duane J. Overby
Ps. I have posted these questions on our south San Jose public community web site and will be anxious to post your answers when I receive them.

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