SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Tuesday, February 24th, 2004 @ 4:44 PM |
Subj: District 2 City Council Election Vote for Ted Scarlett From: [email protected] (Roy Jimenez) Feb. 24, 2004 Dear District 2 Constituency in San Jose: We cannot afford four more years of Forrest Williams as our city councilmen. He has totally neglected our beautiful culturally vibrant community of 90,000. Our South Side Senior Center is woefully inadequate, the Santa Teresa Library is scheduled for some minimum expansion in 2007, after school youth programs are limited, Calpine will dump thousands of tons of chemicals on our neighborhood, an nuneeded mega store at the old IBM plan is in the making, and community participation in city programs are almost nil. Unlike other Districts that play substantial roles in influencing city policy and having city services needs fulfilled, our District is almost a hand-me-down when it comes to the redistribution of city services. This is due to the fact that our representative ill serves us and is not forceful enough to demand that our district priority needs be fulfilled. No.....we do not want to wait until 2007 to see an expansion of our Santa Teresa Library. No....we do not want to wait to have affordable child care services in our community. No....we do not want to wait to establish positive youth services programs in our neighborhoods. No....we do not want to wait to rehabilitate and enhance our South Side Senior Center. Only an active, energetic, forceful city council representative can make these needs a reality. We need leadership that succeeds and delivers. We don't need promises that things will be done in 2007. Changes are needed now. Ted Scarlett, has a reputation for getting things done and bringing issues before our government officials. He will make things happen. Vote for Ted on March 2, 2004, and ensure that District 2 is heard and truly represented. Roy Jimenez |
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