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Tuesday, June 15th, 1999 @ 12:30 PM
Subj: Calpine power plant feedback
From: [email protected]

This is a case of 'cherry picking'. Calpine comes into the PG&E service territory and picks off a few choice big customers. They get a deal on power but the rest of us suffer in two ways. First, we have to content with the pollution. Sure, it may be less polluting than a 50 year old plant up the Peninsula but the base line here is an open field with no pollution. Second, the lost margin PG&E will experience when they loose choice customers will get added to the rate base - the collection of legitimate costs that influence our rates. The result for us will be higher electric rates. The public and small businesses loose both ways while Calpine and a few big corporations improve their profit margins.
How about a reasonable alternative? Power comes into the area at the Metcalf station nearby. It makes more sense to beef up the distribubtion system the short distance down Monterey road if needed. That keeps the pollution out of the Bay Area, mkaes better use of existing plants like Moss Landing, and doesn't raise our rates. If we want to encourage competition and save pollution let companies Calpine bid to replace old, less efficient and polluting power plants instead. That way we all win.

Bill Dunckel

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