SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Thursday, May 6th, 1999 @ 9:35 PM |
Subj: calpine transmission line losses From: [email protected] The power losses in transmission lines are not a good reason to put a power plant in our neighborhood. It turns out that the actual losses are tiny. For example, if the plant runs at full capacity, and we assume one set of towers are used (6 lines), the losses are only 0.0102 percent per mile! This means that placing a power plant 50 miles away, at a distance similar to Moss Landing for example, we consumers would only need to pay an additional 0.51% We have heard a lot of concerns about the price of electric power and our need to share the burden. We are not willing to pay the social and health costs of having a power plant in our neighborhood for a 0.51% cost savings! I encourage Calpine and our city planners to locate the power plant in a less populated area. Jeff Wade |
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