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Saturday, September 16th, 2000 @ 7:30 AM
Subj: Cisco Systems Feedback
From: [email protected]

Our economy is not so great as the present government would have us believe, but with that said, it isn't a bad economy. However, actions and preventive actions that are just now beginning to slow the growth of the economy are being witnessed around us when a small group of people can control what would benefit a larger group of people.

Csico is a fairly large company, reasonable demands have been made by Cisco andfurthermore, Cisco has offered to pick up all of the costs for this. What more can anyone ask for?

Insurance for our local economy comes in the form of drawing business into California and then towards the Bay Area and then keeping it HERE! To then reject that business is to commit a sort of economic suicide.

People should stop wasting their money and efforts building City Hall buildings and worrying so much about something like Cisco. Cisco coming in will bring in supposedly 20k jobs. I find that number somewhat suspect, but nonetheless, when Cisco comes in, that will bring with it a load of opportunity for the small businessman who wants to open his own restaurant, dry cleaner, gas station, mini-market, clothing store, etc.......

Carl Morcate

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